二零二三年 优质公开课Grammmarandusage2.ppt

二零二三年 优质公开课Grammmarandusage2.ppt

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2. figure figure 1) n.身材 The girl has a good figure. 2) [C] n. 画像,数字,图表 He has an income of six figure. 他有六位数的收入 The figure on Page 22 shows a political map of Africa. 第22页的插图是非洲的政区图. 3) 认为,考虑,计算 I figure it like this. figure out come to understand, calculate I’ve never been able to figure him out. Have you figured out how much the holiday will cost? 3. the other day the other day all the day day after day day and night 不久前某天 整天 日复一日 日日夜夜 day by day 逐日 4. match match 1) vt. 使较量,使比赛 (against/with) match one’s strength with that of another 与另一人较量 2) vt. 敌得上,比得上 No one can match him in singing. 3) vt. 和……相配,和……相称 The picture matches the story. match 多指大小,色调,形状,性质方面的搭配 suit 多指合乎需要,口味,性格,条件,地位等 fit 多指大小,形状合适 1)We must find carpets that’ll _________the curtains. 2)The new coat ________me well. 3) No one can ________her in knowledge of classical music. 4) He ________his speech to his audience. match fits match suited 5. behave behave 1) vi. 举动,举止,表现 The new fighters behaved bravely under fire. 新战士在炮火下表现得很勇敢. 2) vt. 使举止规矩 Behave yourself! 规矩点! behavior n. 举止,行为 be on one’s good behavior 举动规矩,行为检点 6. cautious cautious adj. 细心的,谨慎的 The students are cautious not to make any mistakes in spelling. 学生们在拼写时非常小心,以避免发生错误. be cautious of… :look out for 留心,谨防 7. judgement judgement 1) [C/U] n. 审判,判决 The judgement is against her. 那项判决对她不利。 2) [U] n. 判断力 a man of weak judgement 判断力差的人 3) [C] n.意见,看法,评价 In my judgement, we should accept his offer. 依我看,我们应接受他的建议。 pass judgement on/upon… “对……下判决;判断” make a judgement on… 对……作出判断 in sb’s judgement 依某人看来 8. upset upset 1) adj. 难受的,不安的,心烦的 I know you are upset that they are leaving. 我知道他们要走你很难受. 2) vt. 使心烦,使难受 Tell me first what has upset you so much. 先告诉我,什么使你这样心烦. 3) vt. 打翻,打乱,打破 If the mine goes off, it will upset our whole battle plan. 如果这颗地雷爆炸,就会打乱我们整个作战计划. 9. alternative alternative 1) adj. 两者(或两者以上)挑一的 alternative ways 2) n. 两者取一,取舍 the alternative of going or staying 3) n. 选择对象,可供选择的办法 That’s the only alternative. 可供选择的两种方法 去留之间


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