二零二三年 优质公开课directandreportedspeeches.ppt

二零二三年 优质公开课directandreportedspeeches.ppt

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The teacher said, ‘You’ better wear soft shoes.’ The teacher advised us to wear soft shoes. The teacher said, ‘Think about it carefully before you answer.’ The teacher asked us to think about it carefully before we answered. Practice: Change the following sentences into reported speech. ‘Don’t leave your homework at home.’ The teacher reminded us not to leave our homework at home. The teacher said, ‘Don’t worry about your exam.’ The teacher told us not to worry about our exam. Homework Review what we have learned this class. Finish the exercises in workbook . Unit 6 Grammar T: What did you eat this morning? S1: I ate …. T:What did S1 say, S2? S2: S1 said he/she ate …. direct speech reported speech What’re the differences between direct speech and reported speech? Differences Direct speech Indirect speech ◆To report what exactly has been said ◆ The words usually appear in quotation marks ◆ To report the meaning of what has been said without using the exact words ◆ No quotation marks The monkey said, “The ice-cream is delicious.” The monkey said the ice-cream was delicious. The cat said, “I caught a mouse yesterday.” The cat said it had caught a mouse the day before. They said, “We will take part in the Olympic Games in London. ” They said they would take part in the Olympic Games in London. He said,“We are dancing .” He said they were dancing. Our teacher said, “ The moon goes around the earth.” Our teacher said that the moon goes around the earth. 1.The monkey said, “The ice-cream is delicious.” The monkey said the ice-cream was delicious. 2.The cat said, “I caught a mouse yesterday.” The cat said it had caught a mouse the day before. 3.They said, “We will take part in the Olympic Games in London. ” They said they would take part in the Olympic Games in London. 4.He said, “We are dancing .” He said they were dancing. How to change direct speech into reported speech a. Change what has been sa


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