(19)--8.3 American Revolution英语国家社会与文化.ppt

(19)--8.3 American Revolution英语国家社会与文化.ppt

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8.3 American Revolution 美国独立战争The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries英语国家社会与文化 British Colonial ActionsThe French and Indian WarThe Build-up to RevolutionCONTENTThe Rebellion begins British Colonial Actions Relationship between the British Government and the ColoniesThe colonies were regarded as the British territoryPreoccupied by domestic problems, the English Monarch and Parliament failed to establish coherent and comprehensive policies for the colonies, to say nothing of firm political control. Its main concern with the colonies was economic. The colonies were merely suppliers of raw materials and markets for English manufactured goods.This allowed the colonial governments to have more self-ruling capabilities. The Structure of Colonial GovernmentColonial GovernmentThe GovernorAppointed CouncilElective Assembly (House of Burgesses) The French and Indian War The French and Indian WarThe name refers to the two main enemies of the British colonists: the royal French forces and the various indigenous forcesBroke out in 1754, also known as the Seven Years’ WarBritain won the victory and the war was officially ended with the Treaty of Paris signed in 1763Britain was entitled to Canada and all of North America east of the Mississippi River The Build-up to Revolution Sugar Act Stamp Act The Sugar Act was passed by the British Parliament in 1764, placing taxes on sugar, molasses, coffee, etc.In 1765, the Stamp Act was also passed, placing taxes on almost all printed materials in the colonies.These Acts served as a means to pay for the hefty costs of the French and Indian War.The colonists were infuriated and protested against the taxation – “No taxation without representation ” Boston MassacreIn March, 1770, colonists were fired upon, killing three and wounding eight.This severely angered the colonists, as they felt heavily betrayed by Britain.The English government was forced to remove all the taxes, except one on tea. depiction of the Boston Massac


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