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A Long Wait Brainstormcranesappearancefoodliving habits... Look and say wait(s)??Think and ask? Picture tour Picture tour Picture tour Picture tour Picture tour Picture tour Picture tour Picture tour Picture tour Homework Picture tourMaddie (快速读故事,圈出页码并填空。)They are together.Grandma andcranes come back.P 2 - P___P ___ - P___P ___ - P 1978 16 17First reading (再读故事,找出对应季节。)the next springnearlysummerwinterautumnspringsummerSecond readingIt’s a long wait. Detailed readingEvery spring two good things happen to Maddie.P 2 - P___7? Detailed readingWhat do Maddie and Grandma do in spring?P 2 - P___7every eveningFirst the crans dance. They bow and jump. Then they call to one another.every morningEvery morning, Grandma and Maddie get up early and walk down to the lake to watch crans.watch… dance,bow…All afternoon, Grandma and Maddie watch the crans build their nest.watch...build...Every evening they watch the crans feed. The crans catch dragonflies and frogs.watch…feed...all afternoon They have a picnic.The hot summer months pass and the baby cranes grow. The days are long and lovely. I like summer best because you are here.They have more happy time.bestWhat do Maddie and Grandma do in summer?Detailed readingWhy?Why?P 2 - P___7 Detailed readinghappysad leavesad Group workRequirements:1.Read P9-16 together and cirlce key words ;2.Draw the changes of Maddie’s feelings;3.Describe (描述)the changes one by one. (合作阅读,画出Maddie情绪变化并描述。)How does Maddie feel?leavesmissessad Group work(合作阅读,画出Maddie情绪变化并描述。)getshearshangsmakesleavesmissessadhappyworriedhopeful ?I think ...wishlovememory回忆P 8 - P___16 The cold winter months pass more quickly.?P 8 - P___16 P 8 - P___16 day after day wait and waitIt’s a long wait.the next spring P 17 - P___ 19No longer brown.But white!baby cranesadult cranesDeep thinking?It’s a long wait. Deep thinking“Where have you been?” cries Maddie.It’s a long wait. Fun retelling lovehappydo a lot of things togetherThink and sayWhy does Maddie miss Gra


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