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考研《英语一》德州市临邑县2023年押题密卷 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Ask someone for their first memory and they will often give some fairly dull possibilities and not be sure which comes first. I have no 1 at all about mine. The earliest thing I recall is looking down and seeing flames coming out of my 2 . It was a Sunday afternoon in July 1981 when I 3 fire. I was in the garden with my dad. It was a sunny day but slightly breezy (有微风的). I was standing nearby as my dad 4 to light the barbecue. After several failed attempts, 5 he had to use some sort of accelerant (助燃剂). It caused a small fireball, which was flying towards me 6 the breeze suddenly 7 in my direction. That’s where the 8 memory of my burning ankles kicks in. My dad 9 fast. He dashed indoors, grabbed a large blanket and 10 to wrap me in it. The next thing I remember is sitting on a chest, feeling hot and 11 water over and over again; then being driven to a 12 . I underwent lots of skin operations and for weeks I wasn’t able to bend my legs, which had to be wrapped in bandages. 13 this period, I don’t recall experiencing pain. It was only when I 14 what an exciting summer my sister was having that my situation began to seem 15 . We’ve never talked much about the 16 —my dad has never been an especially 17 person. Now that I have kids of my own, I do sometimes wonder what he 18 . I’ve never felt any 19 towards him, and I recognize that but for his swift actions the situation could have been 20 . But I’d certainly never have a barbecue with my kids. 1、A.choice B.idea C.doubt D.worry 2、A.ankles B.blanket C.sleeves D.belly 3、A.exchanged B.set C.held D.caught 4、A.tended B.struggled C.refused D.managed 5、A.eventually B.gradually C.interest



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