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2023年宜宾市江安县考研《英语一》考前冲刺试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Every afternoon I give myself some time. I 1 with a cup of rich dark chocolate, and 2 a good book. All to myself! My 3 time of the day. Until today. Today Gabe joined me. He was all over me, 4 at my arm, and wanting to play. And l was getting annoyed. I could feel all this 5 building inside, thinking this is my time”. I assure you. I am a great mother, 6 Im also human. I think these thoughts often, but what Im most 7 of is not acting on these 8 0r living them out. So there l was holding it all inside 9 Gabe continued to climb all over me until that 10 stepped in. It said: “Nicole. Dont be so self-centered, caring only about YOU and your 11 ”.There are 24 hours in a day and who says this one is yours. Gabe 12 you and in a year from now,6 months from now, 13 an hour from now, he wont be needing your 14 and affection like he does now. So give it. Not when its 15 for you, but when its needed. 16 that book. Embrace him. Love him.” So I did. For almost an hour. And I still enjoyed my hot cup, and my chocolate. I was even 17 books! Kids ones. And with a good story and moral! I can never 18 life or ever think in any way that I can control it because sometimes life has something much 19 than planned. This is a great lesson for me and something I am 20 working on within myself. 1、A.dress up B.turn up C.sit down D.watch over 2、A.buy B.enjoy C.write D.share 3、A.favorite B.precious C.hard D.unhappy 4、A.laughing B.pointing C.staring D.pulling 5、A.anger B.encouragement C.wisdom D.pleasure 6、A.or B.but C.so D.for 7、A.proud B.sure C.tired D.afraid 8、A.positions B.conditions C.theories D.thoughts 9、A.in case B.as if C.as D.although


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