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  正式邮件范文   Subject: London   Hi,   Ive[3] been ever so busy the few days Ive been here trying to visit all the interesting places. On Monday I visited Madame Tussauds. This is a waxwork museum. There was such a long queue to enter. Luckily our leader had booked the tickets beforehand. It was so wonderful seeing all those wax figures of so many famous people!   One of the other things Ive enjoyed is visiting Hyde Park. This is one of the many parks around London. Many people go there for walks and to relax. However, whats interesting about this particular park is the Speakers Corner where anyone is free to make speeches about any topic! We saw many different types of people making some very strange speeches!   I hope youll have the opportunity to visit London some day. Its such an exciting place to be! Im having so much fun!   Times up! Say hi to all the others.   See you soon.   Debbie   [2]这里的几句话都是更倾向于口语的,能够清晰表达写信人的心情。同时,整个信件用了很多感叹号,说明写信人非常激动。这两点在偏正式信函中比较少见(虽然Shirley在她《商务英语实例》中强调,现在的信函更倾向用日常的语言,包括口语,但是过于口语的内容,比如缩写(FYI)、俚语等等都会尽量避免。)。   [3]信函中用了很多I,因为信函的目的在于介绍(introduction)自己的假期,没有特别需要征求对方意见,涉及对方利益关系的内容,因此没有特别从对方的角度考虑。如果信函是写给新的顾客,信函的语气,包括You,we的大量使用和对方的利益关系则需要多加考虑。   [4]最后的结尾用了比较亲和的短语。这也符合非正式文体的氛围。没有任何违和的感觉。   [5]最后一点,虽然为非正式文体,邮件的结构也非常清晰。因此我们可以得知,不管是书写怎样的邮件(当然,文学中的意识流之类的内容除外,虽然意识流或许也是有逻辑的),为了方便读者获取重点信息,邮件都务必要简短而清晰。每一段涉及的内容固定,并且句子的长短也应适当,不要使用过长的句子(run-on sentences)。   感谢信写作模版   Mr.____   Minister of _____   (Address)   Beijing,China   Dear Minister,   I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful.   I am lookingforward to your early visit to China when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in yur beautiful country. With kind personal regards,   Faithfully yours,   (Signed)   Mr.___ Minister of Economic Co


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