人教版九下英语Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth! Self Check 重难题型集训.pptVIP

人教版九下英语Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth! Self Check 重难题型集训.ppt

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Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! Self Check 安徽重难题型集训 A B D C B A C D C A Ⅱ.阅读理解 A(安徽中考) The night sky is our earliest library.There, we stored our knowledge, and passed it down around the fire, before we invented the written word. I remember going to the local university for an astronomy(天文学) night when I was a child. That night, I saw Saturn, one of the planets, and its rings with my own eyes for the first time. The rings shone bright against the blackness of space and suddenly the universe(宇宙) wasn’t something that you only read about or imagined in your head. It was right there, and you were a part of it. That moment is priceless. While starlight is good, light pollution here on Earth can be a real problem. For the past 200 years or so, we have used too much electricity(电) to make the night brighter. However, brighter doesn’t usually mean better, especially when a lot of that light shines up into the sky where no one needs it. Luckily, some cities have taken action, like setting up new downward-directing lights along the streets.I hope that more cities will join in and continue the practice of controlling unnecessary lighting, so that more of us can watch the night sky in a way humans have for thousands of years. A.A book. B.The earth. C.A library. D.The universe. A.It opened his eyes. B.It controlled his mind. C.It was a real problem. D.It took him too much time. C A A.A brighter night. B.Less use of lighting. C.More personal space. D.A better education. B B 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题的词数要求)。   In China, more and more people have realized the seriousness of climate(气候) change. Many young people have been living a low-carbon(低碳的) life. Zheng Xiyu is one of them.She has been trying to reduce her carbon footprint.Every morning, she takes a bus to her office. It takes her about 40 minutes. But Zheng is thinking of changing this. She wants to try cycling. “Riding a bicycle to work takes about the same amount of time as taking a bus.However, cycling is more conveni


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