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翻译练习 1)很自然,广阔的浅滩上充满了细菌,这些细菌很快就会侵袭人们的身体。皇家免费医院的威廉.布鲁非教授曾经计算过,凡是到地中海游泳的人都有七分之一的机会感染某种疾病。其他科学家认为这样估计过高。但是几乎所有的人都认为在那里游泳是冒险。 2)更为可怕的危险隐藏在那些可口诱人的海鲜菜肴中,正是这些海鲜食品给假日的菜谱增色不少。问题是贝壳类动物是该地区最致命的病菌的主要携带者。 3)每年有上亿的游客被吸引到地中海度假,这个占世界旅游业贸易额三分之一的度假胜地最受人们的欢迎,但同时其遭受的污染也是最为严重的。 4)地中海只占全球海洋面积的百分之一,但其表面却漂浮着覆盖全球洋面的半数以上的石油和柏油。成千上万的工厂把有毒物质倾倒进地中海,沿岸的几乎每个城镇和村庄都开闸向地中海排放未经处理的污水。 5)这样,曾经孕育了众多文明的地中海受到了严重的污染,成为海洋中人类逐渐形成的只重发展忽视环保恶性循环的第一个牺牲品。污染不仅扼杀了海洋生命,还威胁到当地的居民和来海滩度假的游客。 6)除了九英里宽的直布罗陀海峡之外,地中海几乎是被陆地包围住的,可以说是无法实现自我清洁的。通过又窄又浅的海峡来使海水更新需要花八十年的时间,这个过程对于解决迅速恶化的海水污染这道难题来说,实在是太缓慢了。 Paragraph 19 ??? because of the increasing population of inhabitants and visitors. The population … trebles every summer: ??? The population … increases three times every summer. Triple, a synonym of treble, is more often used in American English. What advice for tourists can be inferred from the facts provided by the author in the passage? The possible advice for the Mediterranean tourists can be: do not swim in the sea and do not eat seafood dishes. Summary of the Rhetoric of the Text 1) personification: The Mediterranean is gravely ill… (para.3) 2) transferred epithet : the mournful litany (para.4) Out-of-class Assignment Study on your own the analysis concerning cause and effect on page 21. Make a list of the verbs in the text which are similar to the category of pour or discharge Pollution Causes: Diesel smoke the exhaust排气 noxious有害的 gases Soot煤烟: a major atmospheric 大气的pollutant chemical substances present in the air all combustion-related emissions Radiation pollution(electromagnetism ) VI.Assignment 1.Review Text One ,read fluently. 2.Point out the difficult points. 3.Write an essay of about 300 words on pollution. Language work TEXT II An Ugly New Footprint in the Sand I. Key Points of the Text Paragraph 1 come by: come across; discover by chance; pass by How do you interpret the title of the article “An Ugly Footprint in the Sand”? Is it related to the “new footprint” referred to in the second sentenc


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