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句型专题训练 A. Thank you B. Good morning C. Nice to meet you, too D. My names Gina 一、单项选择 1. —Hello! Nice to meet you. —____ ___. 2. —How is Jim Smith? —___A_____. A. He is OK B. His pen is black C. He is my friend D. He is 12 A. Whats this B. How are you C. Whats your last name D. Whats your first name 3. —____ ___? —Smith. 4. —___C_____? —Shes my aunt. A. Is she your aunt B. Whats it C. Whos she D. How old is she 5. —I think Ms. Gao is great fun. —___A_____. All the students like her. A. Thats for sure B. That sounds fun C. Youre wele D. Thank you 6. —Whats this in English? —___A_____. A. Its a baseball B. No, it isnt C. Yes, it is D. Its very interesting 7. —This blue notebook is Lucys. ____B____ this yellow notebook? —Its Li Chengs. A. Whats B. What about C. Hows D. Why is 8. —Thank you for your help, Tom. —____ ___. A. Good morning B. Im fine C. Youre wele D. e on 9. —___C_____? —No, its in the bookcase. A. Where is his dictionary B. Where are his books C. Is his book on the desk D. Is that OK with you 10. —___B_____? —She is in the library. A. How is the girl B. Where is the girl C. What is the girl D. Who is that girl 二、根据汉语意思完成句子 11. 这家书店的一些书在减价出售。 Some books in the bookstore ___a_re____ ___on_____ __sal___e___. 12. 这些袜子20元三双。 These socks are 20 yuan ________ ________ __ _a rs___. for three 13. 我们以非常优惠的价格出售这些食物。 We sell the food ___at_____ ____a____ __v_e_ y___ __ good _ __pri___c_e__. 14. 这件T恤多少钱? How_ __much _ is this T­­shirt? 15. 咱们午饭吃水饺吧, 你看可以吗? 【2019•枣庄】 Lets eat dumplings for lunch. Is this __O__K____ ___w_i_t __ you? 16. 我的生日聚会在六月。 My birthday pa


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