人教版九下英语Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 Self Check 重难题型集训.pptVIP

人教版九下英语Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 Self Check 重难题型集训.ppt

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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7Self Check安徽重难题型集训 Ⅰ.完形填空(2023·合肥市庐江县模拟)   I moved to a new school, Kennie Middle School when I was in Grade Seven.Alvin also moved into the middle school round the ? 1 ? time as I did. We happened to be in the same ? 2 ?. Because there weren’t ? 3 ? desks for the two new students to sit, they made us ? 4 ? one desk. It was kind of awkward(尴尬的) at first. But we became friends ? 5 ? since we were both the new comers and also since we sat close to each other. After a while, we also found we shared similar ? 6 ? like cartoon videos and games. But a year later, Alvin had ? 7 ?. He had a habit of staying up playing computer games. Most of his time in class is ? 8 ?. I tried to ? 9 ? him that he should give it up.But for a kid, playing is a great deal. He was really addicted(沉溺于) to the Internet.Finally, Alvin changed a lot after he lost his grandfather. He kept his grandpa’s words in mind and ? 10 ? to do everything well.There is no play but study in his following time.Now he is one of the top students in our school.And our friendship becomes better and better. ( C )1.A.different B.difficult C.same D.small( D )2.A.school B.room C.test D.class( A )3.A.enough B.many C.much D.little( B )4.A.take B.share C.enjoy D.show( D )5.A.happily B.hardly C.quietly D.quickly( C )6.A.subjects B.names C.interests D.families( C )7.A.questions B.dreams C.problems D.matches( A )8.A.sleepy B.popular C.scary D.absent( B )9.A.provide B.tell C.promise D.protect( A )10.A.made a decision B.made progress C.took seats D.took a riskCDABDCCABA Ⅱ.阅读理解A(2023·株洲改编)  The sun was shining brightly over our heads and sweat(汗水) was pouring down our backs and faces. We stood still without making any noise, all hot and tired. But everyone kept standing as straight as trees. It was something most junior high schools give to new Junior One students—military(军事的) training. We spent four days in a closed environment.Although we couldn’t go home at night and the train


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