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100个句子搞定高考3500词 No.11 Sentence 51 The company said Monday that its new flying car has completed its first flight,bringing the company closer to its goal of selling the flying car within the next year. 该公司周一宣布,他们的新款飞行汽车已经完成首飞,这使其朝着来年上市销售的目标又迈进了一步。 语法笔记 本句的主干是The company said that,其中that引导宾语从句,做said的宾语。Monday做时间状语;在宾语从句中,现在分词短语bringing...within the next year做伴随状语;closer为比较级。 核心词表 Monday n.星期一 f1ying adj. 能飞的n.乘飞机; 飞行 f1ight n.飞行;航班;(楼梯的)一段 记忆 联想记忆: f+light(轻的)→身体轻飘飘的,飞了起来→飞行 close adj. 近的; 亲密的adv.近,靠近 v.关,关闭 搭配close to接近 goal n.目标;进球得分;(足球)球门 搭配achieve ones goal实现某人的目标 sell v.卖,售 记忆 联想记忆:出售(sell)假货,该下地狱(hel1)搭配sell out卖完 Sentence 52 You cant be successful when theres a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake. 做错事的人没有承担弥补错误的责任,这会导致一段关系缺乏信任,这个时候,你就不可能成功 语法笔记 本句的主干是You cant be successful。 when在句中引导时间状语从句,其中包含一个that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词relationship;在该定语从句中又包含一个where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词action。 核心词表 successful adj. 成功的,有成就的 派生successfully adv.成功地 trust vt./n.相信,信任,信赖 搭配a lack of trust 缺乏信任 派生trustworthy adj. 可信赖的trustful adj. 相信的,信任的 result n.结果,效果 搭配result from由于as a result of 由于as a result结果 action n.行动 记忆 词根记忆: act(行动)+ion(表名词)→行动搭配 take action(s)(against) 采取行动(对抗…) wrongdoer n. 做坏事的人,违法犯罪者,作恶者 responsibility n.责任 记忆 词根记忆: responsib(le)(责任)+ility(表名词)→责任心 派生irresponsibility n.无责任感 fix v.修理,安装;确定,决定 搭配fix up 修理;使固定fix ones eyes on注视… fix sth. on集中(注意力、思想等))于… mistake v. (mistook, mistaken, mistaking)弄错n.错误 记忆 词根记忆: mis(错)+take(拿)→拿错→弄错搭配 make a mistake/make mistakes犯错误 by mistake 错误地 mistake. . . for. . .错把…当作… 派生mistakenly adv.错误地 Sentence 53 In addition to their simple beauty,what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ability to“air condition”a house without using electric equipment. 除了简单的美,土坯住宅令人赞叹不已的是,它们能够不借助电力设备来调节室内温度。 语法笔记 本句的主干是what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ability。其中what在句中引导主语从句what makes the adobe dwellings admirable。 ability后的动词不定式做定语修饰ability。


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