2023.9.4 时文阅读 壁画修复师:面“壁”对影,修画摹心.docx

2023.9.4 时文阅读 壁画修复师:面“壁”对影,修画摹心.docx

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/a/202308/18/WS64dea43a81cc68_6.html 难度:3星 主题语境:人与社会-历史社会与文化-文化遗产 天学网|时文阅读:壁画修复师:面“壁”对影,修画摹心 坐落于古丝绸之路咽喉要道的敦煌莫高窟,是世界上最重要的佛教艺术宝库之一,也见证了从古至今中西方文化的交流与融合。莫高窟以其精美的壁画和彩塑闻名遐迩,它们工艺精湛、风格多样、内容丰富,是敦煌石窟艺术的重要组成部分。然而,历经千年的沙与风蚀,这些文化宝藏终究难逃岁月的痕迹。幸运的是,这里的修复师们每天给珍贵的壁画和彩塑“问诊治病”,在他们的耐心与巧手之下,这些文物正一点一点洗去尘埃露出真颜。 阅读短文并回答问题 It’s a race against time, as generations of cultural heritage conservators at the Dunhuang Academy make a great effort to protect the artistic charm of the Mogao Caves, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, despite erosion(侵蚀)by sand and wind. The team is dedicated to protecting the 45,000 square meters of murals(壁画)and more than 2,400 painted sculptures of the 735 caves of the site, the construction of which spans about a thousand years, from the 4th century to the 14th century. The cultural relics are the product of the cultural exchanges that took place over centuries on the ancient Silk Road. “Our work, repairing murals and painted sculptures, is to better preserve the caves, which promotes the great Dunhuang spirit of inclusiveness to the world and inspires modern people,” says Su Bomin, director of the Dunhuang Academy. Commonly seen “diseases” affecting the murals include cracking and flaking, as well as erosion that is caused by changes in temperature and humidity of the caves, and the deposition of salts. To restore a mural requires an all-rounder. Restorers should know painting, master the skills of a mason and have some knowledge of chemistry and physics, to be able to recognize the problems and their corresponding causes and deliver a solution. They must also select proper materials and tools, and conduct experiments, before formally carrying out the restoration and evaluating the effect afterward. The restoration should respect the original work and aim to maintain the status quo of the murals rather than repainting them. When the restorers find some parts of murals missing or fading away, they never repaint them to create a “perfect” appearance in restora


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