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PAGE PAGE 17 谈贵州省中小企业融资的途径与措施 摘要:在我国经济发展建设中,中小企业扮演着非常重要的作用,尤其进入21世纪之后,我国GDP的平均增长速度一直高于全球的增长速度,而中小企业又是我国经济的重要组成部分,不但在保证我国经济快速稳定增长时起着巨大的作用,而且在增进市场竞争、推动技术创新、减缓就业压力、促进民间投资、维持社会稳定方面也发挥了不可替代的作用。 然而,由于中小企业自身竞争力的缺乏、对待风险的抵御能力不强、经营管理不规范以及整个社会金融体制的原因,一直面临着融资难的问题。对此我国中央政府及相关部门先后出台了一系列相关支持中小企业的融资政策,而且也发挥了积极的作用,其中有财政补贴、贷款援助及税费优惠等等。但在实践中各种问题的出现导致这些政策在落实时效果并不显著,中小企业融资难的问题依旧在困扰着企业的发展。唯有解决中小企业在融资过程中遇到的各种难题,才可能保证中小企业可持续的发展,可持续的为国家经济发展贡献力量。 关键词:中小企业;融资;途径;措施 Abstract: In the construction of China s economic development, small and medium-sized enterprises play a very important role, especially after entering twenty-first Century, the average growth rate of Chinas GDP has been higher than the global growth rate, small and medium-sized enterprises is an important part of Chinas economy, not only to ensure Chinas economic rapid and stable growth plays a huge the role, but also play an irreplaceable role in promoting market competition, promote technological innovation, reduce the employment pressure, promoting private investment, to maintain social stability. However, due to the lack of competitiveness of SMEs, the lack of resistance to risk, the non-standard management and the reasons of the whole social financial system, they have been faced with the problem of financing difficulties. Chinas central government and related departments have issued a series of supporting policies for SMEs, and played a positive role, including financial subsidies, loan assistance and tax concessions. But the emergence of various problems in practice leads to the failure of the implementation of these policies, and the problem of SME financing is still plaguing the development of enterprises. Only by solving all kinds of difficulties encountered by SMEs in the financing process, can they ensure the sustainable development of SMEs and contribute to the sustainable development of the national economy. Keywords: Small and medium enterprises; financing; ways; measures 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1.绪论


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