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XX 年 12 月英语六级词汇选择试题练习 When a small mind bees bee behavior, can bee a habit; thus forming character, and character to determine the suess or failure of your life.以下是为大家搜索的xx 年 12 月 词汇选择试题练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关 注我们! glitter n. 闪光;灿烂 Morning dews glitter in the sun. 晨露在阳光下闪烁。 gorgeous adj. 华美的,灿烂的;极好的 For instance, in 1957 most of the cars were gorgeous. 例如,在 1957 年大局部的汽车都是华美的。 glide n. 滑翔;滑行;滑移;滑音 That su er was the glide path of our love. 那个夏天是我们爱情的下滑航道。 fulfill vt. 履行;实现;满足;使完毕(等于 fulfil) We must fulfill the plan, whatever happens. 无论如何要完成方案。 further adv. 进一步地;而且;更远地 I need not expatiate on the question any further. 我不需要进一步阐述这个问题。 gracious adj. 亲切的;高尚的;和蔼的;雅致的 You are so gracious when I saw you . 当我见到您就觉得是那么亲切。 govern vt. 管理;支配;统治;控制 Who govern this country? 谁统治这个国家? gossip n. 小道传闻;随笔;爱说长道短的人 She discredited him with ugly gossip. 她用难听的流言蜚语臭他。 grateful adj. 感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的 I cannot express to you how grateful I am. 我无法向你表达我是多么感谢。 grief n. 悲哀;忧伤;不幸 Time cured him of his grief. 时光的流逝治愈了他的悲哀。 1.The queens ear-rings with diamonds. 2.The hills arewhen the leaves turn gold in autumn. 3.This diet willall your nutritional needs. 4.Such essentially different stimuli as cold,drugs orcan provoke identical chemical reactions in the body. 5.He weled his guests in amanner,which made them feel at ease. 6.Movie stars must get tired of all theabout them. 7.Anthropologist Barbara Myerhoff her reputation as an authority on Native American culture with her study of the symbols,myths and rituals of the Huichols. 8.Birds,ships,dancers and skaters . 9.Ja is veryfor all the help Mr.Bao has given to her in the past three years. 10.The election determined which party would the United States for four years. 1.glittered 2.gorgeous 3.fulfil


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