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PAGE / NUMPAGES · president · n.??[prez?d?nt] ( presidents ) · ?? · 双解释义 · C??总统,主席 ??elected head of state in the US and many modern republics · C? (大学)校长,会长,董事长?? head of some colleges, government bodies or departments, societies; head of a bank, business firm, etc. · 基本要点?? 1.president的基本意思是“总统,主席”,指共和政体的国家经选举产生的最高首脑。也可作“(大学)校长,会长,董事长,总经理”解。 2.president与表示人名的专有名词连用时专有化,首字母须大写。 3.president作“总统”解时,如果指总统职务,其前不用冠词; 如果指总统本人,需用冠词。 · 词汇搭配?? 动词+~ elect president??选举总统 inaugurate president??为总统举行就职典礼 oppose president??反对主席 run for president??竞选总统 serve president??为总统效力 support president??支持总统 ?? 形容词+~ former president??前总统 honorable president??荣誉校长 incoming president??即将上任的总统 late president??已故总统 life-long president??终身总统 newly-elected president??新当选的总统 outgoing president??即将离任的总统 possible president??可能的总统 respected president??受尊敬的总统 vice president??副总统 ?? 名词+~ company president??公司总裁 department president??部门主任 intelligence president??情报主任 laboratory president??实验室主任 party president??政首领 police president??警长 secret president??特工首脑 union president??工会主席 ?? ~+介词 president of France??法国总统 president of university??大学校长 ?? · 句型例句?? The president fastened on the idea at once.总统立即拿定了这个主意。 The president desired that you (should) visit him next week.总统希望你下星期去拜访他。 The president decorated five soldiers for extraordinary bravery in battle.总统给在战斗中表现异常勇敢的五位战士授勋。 The president toured quite a number of African states with a view to mending his fences with them.那位总统访问了不少非洲国家,想同这些国家建立良好的关系。 The president confirmed him as secretary of state.总统任命他为国务卿。 The president has not appointed a single black judge to the south.总统从未向南方委派过一个黑人法官。 The president stood up to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.总统站起来向欢呼的人群致意。 Congress affirmed the treaty the president had signed.国会批准了总统签署的条约。 When do you think the president will confirm you in office?你认为总统将在什么时候批准你任职? His suggestion was never even forwarded to the president.他的建议从没有上报过总统。 The people esteemed the president for his



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