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Agenda ◼ Defining operations management ◼ ysing operations and challenges in operations ◼ The transformation process – what do operations do? ◼ The 4 Vs – defining strategy ◼ Operations processes – implementing strategy ◼ Operations and Quality ◼ Operations and the Supply Chain ◼ Operations and RD Operations Overview Operations management defined Operations management is the activity of managing the resources which are devoted to the production and delivery of products and services. Operations are everywhere The best way to start understanding the nature of “Operations” is to look around you Everything you can see around you (except the flesh and blood) has been produced by an operation Every service you consumed today (radio station, bus service, lecture, etc.) has also been produced by an operation Operations Managers create everything you buy, sit on, wear, eat, throw at people, and throw away Operations management ◼ Operations management is the activities, decisions and responsibilities of managing the production and delivery of products and services. ◼ This is done using processes that are:  repeatable – can be done over and over again  consistent – produce the same result every time  reliable – do not break down randomly.  efficient – producing most output for least input  competitive – at least as good as the competition  compliant with erning legislation. Operations management ◼ Efficiency = profit ◼ Businesses strive for efficiency in operations management in order to rease profitability ◼ They also aim to operate to produce products or services whi atch customer needs (e.g. high quality/ ethically produced) Interfunctional relationships between operations and other functions Engineering/ Product/ser



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