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汽车商务英语课件—1 Part one: words and phrases 1. automobile 英音:['?:t?m?ubi:l] 美音: ['?t?m?,b?l] n.【美】 汽车[C] 汽车的总称 2.vehicle 英音:['vi:ikl] 美音: ['vi?k!] n. [C] 车辆,运载工具 sedan coupe[si‘d?n] /[s?'d?n] ['ku:pei] / ['kupe] 奥迪S4 运动型轿车红旗CA72 convertible:[k?n'v?:t?bl] [k?n'v?t?b!] 日产英菲尼迪G宝马M3 station wagon coach:[k?ut?] [kot?] Jeep 英:[d?i:p];美[d?ip] truck 英:[tr?k] 美:[tr?k] tractor英:[‘tr?kt?];美:['tr?kt?]crane car 英:[krein] 美:[kren] refrigerator truckmixer truck fire engine snowplow 英[‘sn?u,plau] 美:['sno,plau]fire engineambulancewater sprinkler be classified into Part two:Text Explanation Automobile TypesThey can be classified into three groups, within each of these groups , there are many different classifications and they can be described as follows: SUVs are often used on roads in poor conditions.They can carry between four to six people. Trucks belong to heavy vehicles. Generally ,they are built for carrying heavy loads Part Three:Exercises in classLook at the pictures at page 5 and answer the questions as follows:What are they? Write down our Chinese names and English names. Homework after class1. Find out words.(page 6)2. Classify the following vehicles.(page6)3. Complete the words map. (Page 7) 谢谢


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