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祝贺信祝贺获得好成绩CongratulationsonTomsSuccess,祝贺信 祝贺信:祝贺获得好成绩-Congratulations on Toms Success 英语作文网整理 祝贺获得好成绩 【内容提示】 假现在天是1990年6月18日。你的名字叫高峰,家住北京西四大街148号。你刚收到你的英国朋友Tom Brown写给你的信,他的住址是:28 Carr Lane, Acomb York, Yo 25HU, U. K.。现在你给他写封回信,信中祝贺他在大学入学(matriculation)考试中获得好成绩,你确信他能考入他所喜爱的重点大学,他一直想当一名外科大夫(surgeon),因此你认为他应该学医。最后你告诉他,因为明年你立即高中毕业,从现在起必须充分利用时刻做好考试的预备,力争在来年的考试中能像他一样取得好成绩,考入理想的(ideal)大学——北京清华大学。 要求: ①只须用英语表达上述内容,不必逐句翻译。全篇词数:150—180。 ②信中不要使用自己的真实姓名和地址。 【作文示范】 Congratulations on Tom`s Success 148 Xisi Street Beijing P. R. C. June 18, 1990 Mr. Tom Brown 28 Carr Lane Acomb York Yo 25HU U. K. Dear Tom Brown, I have just received your letter. I am really glad to hear that you have done so brilliantly in the Matriculation① Examination. Congratulations! With such excellent results you will be able to get into any leading university you like, I am sure. And I suppose you should study Medicine since it has been your dream to become a surgeon all these years. Next year I shall finish my middle school and I want very much to enter my ideal university, Qinghua University. So from now on I have to make full use of my time to get well prepared for the next year`s Matriculation Examination. I shall try my best to do as well as you have done in your Matriculation Examination this year. Please say hello to your family. Yours sincerely, Gao Feng 【词语说明】 matriculation [m ?trkju`leiM n] n. (大学的)入学考试 【写法指要】 这是一封较为正式的祝贺信。祝贺信(letters of congratulation)是得到亲友、同事、同学通过考试、荣获晋升、获得学位、结婚、喜得贵子等好消息时写的信。这种信要写得及时、真诚、自然、亲切动人。祝贺信一样不宜写得过长。 祝贺信常用的语句有: ①Congratulations on your success /achievements! ②I`m so glad to hear of your winning the prize in the … contest. Congratulations! ③Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your graduation from…. ④Heartiest congratulations upon your gr


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