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备战2022高考考英语完形填空话题分类训练 (高考真题+各地模拟题) 高考完形填空热点话题综合强化训练07 (2022?上海徐汇?二模)With vigorous promotion and extensive participation over the past two years, waste sorting is a new trend (hat has reshaped the image of campuses across Beijing. “In the past, sanitation workers sorted the garbage next to the trash cans near the dormitory, ] a disgusting odor. On windy days, the trash was blown eveiywhere and we always 2 around it with our hands covering our noses/' says Sun Jiajing, a sophomore at Beijing Forestry University. in the form of handwritten newspapers and mind maps. Decorations made fromrecycled materials arc exhibited in the school's corridors.The same scene can be seen in Qianjin Primary School, Haidian district. 4t in the form of handwritten newspapers and mind maps. Decorations made from recycled materials arc exhibited in the school's corridors. The same scene can be seen in Qianjin Primary School, Haidian district. 4tGarbagc can Since a revised guideline on household waste disposal in Beijing was 3 on May I, 2020, many students have seen their campuses take on a new look that is more pleasant, tidy and appealing. Al Beijing Foresiry University, about one in four students are trash-sorting volunteers. In the Beijing No 20 High School, bins to recycle waste are placed on each floor and students on duty will set their wits to turning trash into 4 . “I received training on trash classification before taking on the role as head of the trashsort iiig station. My job is to remind everyone to classify waste and recycle to the best 5 says Ding Shuyi, a student at the school. As China pushes 6 the “double reduction^^ education policy, which aims to ease the burden of 7 homework and off-campus tutoring for primary and middle school students, understanding of waste sorting has been fused into academic teaching via various innovative approaches. “Our Chinese teachers encourage students to write poetries 8 on waste classification, math teachers lead them to do math on topics


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