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新目标7下课件Unit8SectionB Task: Discuss and learn What do you like ? I like … ,… and … I don’t like …,…or…. green tea dumpling soup fish rice porridge orange juice Make a survey: What do you like? name I like…,… and … I don’t like…, …or…. He/She likes…,… He/She doesn’t like…. Give a report like this: Task: Discussion I’m a Chinese .I like to eat at home or in a Chinese food restaurant. Would you like to eat at home or eat out? Why? Where else? Task: Workers wanted 一家新开张的饭店要招聘员工,要求编写食 物广告。学生自己组合搭配,设计广告。评出最 佳广告创意奖,并展示他们的成果。 (话题由课本知识向实际生活延伸,进一步 鼓励学生发挥自己的想象力和主观能动性, 体现语言的实用原则。) .   Give a report like this : To keep healthy ,we should eat many /much _______________________________________and we should eat fewer /less ________________________________ . Homework: 配制一份一日三餐健康的菜谱 For example: It’s good to have a glass of milk,some bread,porridge,an apple and an egg for breakfast. potatoes cabbage What would you like? What kind of vegetables/meat would you like? I’d like some… Look and learn beef mutton (单词融入句型来学习,培养学生在语境中理解、识记单词) What kind of noodles would I like? I ’d like tomato noodles. beef and tomato noodles. chicken and cabbage noodles. mutton and potato noodles. Guessing game I ’d like chicken and cabbage noodles. a small a medium a large What size bowl of noodles would I like? bowl of noodles bowl of noodles bowl of noodles Guessing game I ’d like a small bowl of noodles because I’m not very hungry. Make a survey name kind of noodles size bowl of noodles I’d like ….because... He’d/She’d like… because… Give a report like this: (始终围绕主话题开展活动, 既“巩固新知”,使学生通过 这种交互活动的方式进一步熟悉新的单词,又增进了相互间的了解。) Task: Discuss and learn Where can we eat noodles? Would you like to eat here? Why? Where else? (创设情境,鼓励学生参与讨论) Task: Role- play Order food in a noodle house (学生分别扮演顾客和服务员,编排对话) Listen and answer Where does he order the dumplings? At home?in a dumpling house? Task: Task: Listen again and fill in the order form on page 82.


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