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电大英语听力教程 ENGLISH LISTENING COURSE Book 3Course Objectives 课程目标Acquaint yourselves with right ways to improve your English listening skills.Learn more knowledge on English: vocabulary, grammar and sentence patterns. Get to understand spoken English in normal speed.Acquaint yourselves with the cultural background from English-speaking areas. 版权所有,违者必究1 Self-introduction储航伟 (Henry)My E-mail: My phone: 268519722 How to learn Book III well?要突出重点。即精听“Core Listening”的核心内容,听、写、背相结合,每课至少要背诵、默写一篇短文。课前充分预习,完成练习,记录疑问,并尝试自己发现答案,或询问老师。在听力练习的基础上,要熟读课文,达到非常流利的程度,为背诵课文和回答问题打好基础。发挥主观能动性,采用适合自己特点的学习方法,例如:可以结合“逆向法”、“疯狂英语口语”等行之有效的方法,使自己突破英语听力障碍。每天听英语一小时。3 Unit 1Instructional objectivesAfter this unit, you will be able to :Use some new words.Ask the waysLearn some other listening materials4 Unit 1. Part OneVocabulary (See Page 1.)Deduction: n. 推论Cabbie: n. 出租车司机Observant: a. 观察力敏锐的Stain: n. 污迹Inaugurate: v. 举行就职典礼Inaugural: a. 就职的Parade: n. 游行Swear: v. 宣誓、发誓Committee: n. 委员会Capitol: n. 美国国会大厦Security: n. 安全Democratic: a. (美国)民主党的Pregnancy: n. 怀孕5 Part One Core Listening Dialogue: Where is the Shopping Center?Castle Street: 城堡街,街名Stranger: n. newcomer. 陌生人 and take the second (turning) on the right: and turn right at the second crossing; 在第二个路口向右拐。Then first left: the take first turning on the left = then turn left at the first crossing.Fridge: n. refrigerator 电冰箱That’s on the corner,where you turn. 电器商店在拐角处,你在那儿拐弯。You can’t miss it: 你不会错过它的。May be next door to it: 也许就在它隔壁。First left at an electrical goods shop: First turn left at …6 Part One Core ListeningPassage 1 柯南 道尔Tuning In:收听歇洛克 福尔摩斯是侦探小说中最著名的人物之一。他关注微小的细节,然后根据它们做出很大的推理。我从报纸得知你正在法国渡假。我可以看到你的脸由于长时间日晒变黑了。“你真了不起!”柯南道尔说,“象我的伟大侦探家歇洛克福尔摩斯一样善于观察。”7 Part One Core Listening Passage 1 柯南 道尔Character: n. a fictional role in a story. 故事人物Hail: v. call out to in order to catch the attention of招呼 e.g. hail a taxi/cab, hail an assistantRecognize: v. know or identify from past experience or knowledge. 认出Demand: v. ask, inqui


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