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大学英语六段完型填空与段落翻译 College English III-Unit 4 The e-mail was in some respects __1__ to other nasty letters I receive. It __2__ me to task for my __3__ on the Los Angeles Dodgers and __4__ that I had got everything wrong. However, the note was __5__ from the others in at least two ways. A. sent E. written I. contained M. signedB. took F. similar J. conclusion N. sealedC. made G. received K. different O. statisticsD. argued H. thought L. comments College English III-Unit 4 This note __6__ more details than the usual “You’re an idiot.” It included vital __7__ on the team’s performance. It was __8__ by someone who knew the Los Angeles Dodgers as well as I __9__ I did. And this note was __10__. The writer’s name was Sarah Moris.A. sent E. written I. contained M. signedB. took F. similar J. conclusion N. sealedC. made G. received K. different O. statisticsD. argued H. thought L. comments College English III-Unit 4Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese College English III-Unit 4 The e-mail was in some respects similar to other nasty letters I receive. It took me to task for my comments on the Los Angeles Dodgers and argued that I had got everything wrong. 这封邮件在某些方面与我收到的其他刻薄的信件相似。它痛斥我对洛杉矶道奇队的评论,并争辩说我把一切全都搞错了。 College English III-Unit 4 However, the note was different from the others in at least two ways. This note contained more details than the usual “You’re an idiot.” It included vital statistics on the team’s performance.然而这个评论与其他的评论至少有两个方面的不同。与通常那些“你是个白痴”的评论不同的是,这一评论含有更多的细节。它包含了该队比赛表现的关键数据。 College English III-Unit 4 It was written by someone who knew the Los Angeles Dodgers as well as I thought I did. And this note was signed. The writer’s name was Sarah Moris.写这篇评论的人对对洛杉矶道奇队的了解绝不亚于我自认为对它的了解。而且这一评论是署名的。作者的名字叫萨拉 · 莫里斯。 College English III-Unit 5Cloze —Fill in each blank


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