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Module4 复习 Chinese students have a lot of homework (do)every day. Our life (be)different in ten years’ time. Can Tony (send)emails by Internet? Betty with her mother (be)able to dance with the help of the dance teacher. We (not carry)the heavy things by ourselves in the future. —Will everyone study at home?—Yes, will. A. everyone B. it C. I D. they No one the bad news. A. knowing B. knows C. know D. is knowing Tom Mary a hat on her birthday next month. A. gives B. give C. will give D. is going to giving —Must we take out the trash now? — You can do it after class. A. Yes, you must B. No, you can’t C. Yes, you may D. No, you needn’t —Will there be more trees in the future?— . Because people will plant more and more trees. No, there won’t B. Yes, there are C. No, there aren’t D. Yes, there will 也许将来没有学校了。 there any schools in the future. 我将不能和你一起踢足球了。I play football with you. ——你将会在网上交朋友吗? ——是的,我将会。 — you friends the Internet? —Yes, I . 未来将会有很多机器人。 many robots in the future. 将来我们将不再使用钢笔、纸和橡皮了。 We use pens and paper, erasers . 1. What are your parents’ (job)?2. There’s no (rain) today. Her father (study) English in America now. Tony’s sister (work) in that hospital next year. —What will the weather be like tomorrow? —It will be (wind). There (be) a film tomorrow evening. Planes will be very large, so will be very cheap.A. fly B. to fly C. flying D. flies This is interesting book. Do you want to get it?A. an We go to school five days week.A. in B. an books in bed is bad for your eyes.A. Read a C. the D. / the D. a B. Reading C. Reads D. Read to The boy often uses his computer his friends emails.A. send B. sending It’s going to be rainy soon. (改为同义句)It’s going to soon. They’ll have long holidays and lots of free time. (改为否定句) They have long holidays lots of free time. We’ll use the computer to do many things. (改为同义句) C. to send D. sent We use the computer to do many things. They will study at home. They won’t go to school


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