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PAGE PAGE 3 周集实验学校五年级英语上册期末测试卷 Class Name Number 听力部分(30 分) 一、 选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。(10 分,每题 1 分) ( )1.A./d?k/ B./b?s/ C./s?n/ ( )2.A.fridge B.front C.from ( )3.A.there B.these C.here ( )4.A.bear B.near C.hear ( )5.A.swing B.swim C.sing ( )6.A.thirsty B.thirty C.third ( )7.A.nice B.juice C.nine ( )8.A.yellow B.you C.your ( )9.A.go swimming B.go boating C.go climbing ( )10.A.no legs B.long legs C.long ears football .( football . ( )10、A. She has a robot. B. No , he doesn’t . C. Yes , they do . ( )1. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there are. C. Yes, it is. ( )2. A. No, I can’t. B. Yes, I like. C. No, I don’t. ( )3. A. He likes swimming. B. I like singing. C. She likes dancing. ( )4 A. There is one. B. I have five apples. C. There are five dogs. ( )5. A. He can swim. B. He has a cat. C. He likes climbing. ( )6、A. Yes , there is . B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes , I can . ( )7、A. Yes , there’re five .B. There’re five . C. No, there aren’t . ( )8、A. I’m a worker . B. He’s a teacher . C. They’re policemen . ( )9、A. She likes swimming . B. He has a dog. C. I usually play 三、听录音,把对话填充完整。(10 分,每空 1 分) 1、There 1、There is a tree in our classroom . 2、 A: your father have any hobbies ? B: No, he . 3、They have big and big . 4、 A: What does Nancy doing ? B: She likes . 5、 My uncle is a . He sweets. 一、英汉互译。(10 分,每空 1 分) 1、我的爱好 3、擅长弹钢琴 5、如此多的人 7、在周末 9、在第二层 笔试部分(70 分) 2、play with my son 4、help sick people 6、every evening 8、have a good time 10、buy a Christmas tree 二、按要求,写单词。(10 分,每空 1 分) The elephant has a big (/b?d?/) How many (library) are there in your school? Can you show (she )around? is the third day of a week. Let’s go and (fly) a kite. My brother (喜欢)going to the cinema . There any water in the bottle. I don’t like (skate). My father can swim very (good). (it’s) name is Bobby. 三、选择正确的答案,把序号写在提前括号里。(10 分,每题 1 分) ( )1.The boy can’t play piano, but he can play football. / ;the B. the;/ C. / ;/ ( )2.It has no arms legs. A. and B. o


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