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英文四级文章 四级是当今中国最有影响力的英语测试,每年都有数百万考生报名 应考。下面是店铺带来的英文四级文章,欢迎阅读! 英文四级文章 1 35 岁时应该弃掉的 16 个不健康习惯 16 Unhealthy Habits You Should Get Rid Of By Turning 35 Years Old If you are reaching your mid-thirties it is time to take have a look at yourself and decide which habits are worthwhile keeping and which are weighing you down and ought to be shaken off. Let’s take a look at 16 habits that you should quickly be she ing. 1. Comparing yourself to others. When you compare yourself to others you do damage to your sense of self. By undertaking the game of comparisons you are bound to end up feeling envious and low in confidence. Comparing yourself to others is also not very effective, as the front that others present in public may mask what they are really feeling or going through. 2. Being a spendthrift It’s all very well having the latest accessories and the nicest car; but is it really necessary? At one point you need to ask yourself; If I keep spending will I have something to live off when I get older? The fact is the earlier you start saving the longer you have to accrue interest on your money, and this a itional interest could prove to come in handy when you are in your senior years. 3. Having irregular sleeping habits When you were young, you think you can sleep anytime. You think you can stay awake all the time. But all these will make you pay a price later in life. And your body will no longer be capable of such habit. Start going to sleep and waking up at regular times. This can do you a world of good. It will help you remain fresh through-out the days and lead to good sleeping habits for the future. 4. Thinking you need to satisfy everyone. After you reach a certain age it is time to stop trying to please every


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