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PAGE PAGE 1 Vocabulary 外研版七年级下册 M4 练习 Your bag must be heavy (沉重的). Let me c (拿) that for you. I think you should c (改变) your mind. He promises to do better in the f (未来). Can I ask you a q (问题) about my homework? I like reading books in my f (空闲的) time.). Something is wrong with the m (机器). The desk takes up too much s (空间) that we cant sit down. She spent two hours sitting in a t (交通) jam. Cycling is a c (便宜的) way to go to school. If you dont know your English l (水平), its a good idea to ask your teacher. “The sun is beginning to r (升起),” she said. She speaks French, and Spanish a w (也). There was a strong w (风) in winter. I want to travel around the world and walk e (到处) before I am old. “Living in a house towards the sea, with spring blossoms.” –Its my dream, and I dont know how to make it c t (实现). (be able to do sth/否定 be not able to 或 be unable to) Will Mo Yan write another new book soon? can B. could C. is able to D. be able to A. canB. be able toC. able toD. couldFinish your homework first, then you A. can B. be able to C. able to D. could Jim and I (be) able to play football well. Its raining hard. He wont be able (go) home. David can ride a bike. He cant drive a car.(改为同义句) David ride a bike. He is drive a car. (not only...but also…/连接两个主语时,谓语动词与靠近的主语在人称和数上保持一致) You should help each other learn from each other. either; or B. not only; but also C. neither; nor D. both; or Not only my friends but also I interested in football. be B. am C. is D. are -Do you like your new T-shirt? -Yes. Not only I but also my mother it. A. likes A. likes B. like C. doesnt like D. dont like Not only you but also she (like) English. Cindy 不仅是我的生意伙伴,也是我最好的朋友。 Cindy is my business partner my best friend. (as well/as well a连s 接两个主语时,其后谓语通常要与前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致) A. playB. playedC. is playingD. playsOur teacher as well as we often A. play B. played C. is playing D. plays Tom, Jane and Rose, going to the farm on foot. A. as well; is A. as well;


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