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2023-2024学年译林版(三起)英语六年级上册期中测试卷 (考试时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分) 听力部分(30 分) 一、听两遍录音,选出你所听到的内容。 (5分) ( )1. A. clever B. laugh C. box ( )2. A. could B. looked C. walked ( )3. A. wearing B. were C. well ( )4. A. cloudy B. windy C. sunny ( )5. A. became B. brought C. saw ( )6.A. start B. show C. spell ( )7. A. thank you B. tell stories C. think hard ( )8. A. turned into B. listened to C. held onto ( )9. A. so heavy B. so angry C. very exciting ( )10. A. goes on B. goes well C. goes out 二、听两遍录音,给下列图片排序。 (5分) 三、听两遍录音,选择相应的答句。 (5分) ( )1. A. Its rainy. B. Its Sunday. C. Its five. ( )2. A. The Bund. B. The Summer Palace. C. The Shanghai Museum. ( )3. A. What a pity! B. Im sorry. C. It was great fun. ( )4. A. Because I wanted to give you some fish. B. So I wanted to give you some fish. C.But I wanted to give you some fish. ( )5. A. Yes. It was wonderful. B. Yes. There was heavy rain. C. No. It was wonderful. 四、听两遍录音,根据所听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。 (5分) ( )1. A. She went shopping. B. She made new clothes. C. She went climbing. ( )2. A. She writes letters. B. She wrote emails. C. She writes emails. ( )3. A. Its Thursday. B. Its the first of May. C. Its half past two. ( )4. A. No, he couldnt. B, Yes, he could, C. Sorry, we dont know. ( )5. A. On the Star farm. B. Yes, it was. C. A big fish. 五、听两遍录音,填入所缺单词。 (10 分) My grandma is sixty years old. She in a hospital ten years ago. Now she go to work. She likes and watching , Thirty years ago, she often listened to music on the radi



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