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2023年6月银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识考前冲刺模拟试卷B卷含答案 单选题(共50题) 1、It is requested that an applicant whose undergraduate work is done at another institution( )two copies of undergraduate transcripts and degrees directly to the dean of the graduate school. A.must send B.send C.are to send D.need send 【答案】 B 2、Passage 4 A.Alex Taw is an American millionaire B.Alex Taw will graduate from university C.Alex Taw doesn’t work hard D.Alex Taw was not rich before 【答案】 D 3、While food waste is a hot topic in the U.S.,it’s a particular______in low-income nations where food is sometimes a scarce resource to begin with。 A.increase B.initiative C.damage D.challenge 【答案】 D 4、资料:Zhang Qiaoli uses her spare bedroom for storing her stock of ladies’ fashion-wear and photo shoots. She is one of more than five million small online stores operating across China, some from small apartments or even college dormitories. She buys dresses and accessories wholesale; at prices under $5, using the website Taobao, she sells them on as the Kitty Lover at prices under $10. A.Because there are a lot more options online B.Because consumers are gaining more power thanks to online shopping C.Because regulations about online shopping will be improved soon D.Because there are still many qualified goods and trustworthy online stores 【答案】 B 5、在双本位制的货币体系下,(  )两种货币按法定比价流通,在一定程度上克服了平行本位制下混乱局面。 A.金锡 B.银铜 C.金铜 D.金银 【答案】 D 6、序数效用论关于消费者偏好的基本假定不包括(  )。 A.偏好的完备性 B.偏好的传递性 C.偏好的不饱和性 D.偏好的独立性 【答案】 D 7、An in-depth understanding of this emerging phenomenon requires not just the consideration of quantitative studies, but the______of selected quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method study designs. A.collect B.pooling C.pool D.poll 【答案】 C 8、通过向投资者发行股份或受益凭证募集资金,再对各类金融产品进行组合投资的金融 机构是( )。 A.商业银行 B.投资银行 C.保险公司 D.投资基金 【答案】 D 9、资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to



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