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副提单背书担保提货 (APPLICANTION FOR BILL OF LADING ENDORSEMENT/ISSUANCE OF LETTER OF GUARANTEE ) 副 提 單 背 書 擔 保 提 貨 申請書 華南商業銀行 台照 日期, To,HUA NAN COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD. DATE, Dear Sirs, 茲檢附副提單 / 擔保提貨書請 貴行惠予背書/簽署 We enclose herewith for your endorsing/countersigning the duplicate Bill of Lading/our Letter of Guarantee (船公司)以 便 向 請求提取下列貨物,該貨物係由 issued by/addressed to for delivery of the following cargoes shipped from (出口港) 運抵(進口港) 裝載於(船名) to per S. S. L/C No. B/L No. Marks Commodity Quantity Amount (信用狀號碼) (提單號碼) (嘜頭) (貨 名) (數 量) (金 額) 貴行因背書 , 簽署上項副提單 , 擔保提貨書致引起之一切後果, In consideration of your endorsing/countersigning this duplicate Bill of Lading/Letter of Guarantee, we hereby agree 均由本申請人負責,絕不使 貴行因此而蒙受任何損失。茲同意倘 to hold your harmless for all consequences that may arise from your so doing. We further agree that any discrepancies 嗣後寄達 貴行之單據與信用狀條款有任何不符時,本申請人願意無條件接受, appeared on original documents which shall be received by you later on shall be acceptable to us in every respect 並願意放棄抗辯權。並同意擔保提貨後提單寄達時,即將上項擔保提貨書換回送還 without recourse to you and that on receipt of Bills of Lading for the above shipment we will deliver the said Letter 貴行註銷,或委由 貴行代勞將該項提單逕交船公司換回上項擔保 of Guarantee to you for cancellation or you may deliver the Bill of Lading direct to the steamship company on our 提貨書,以便解除 貴行之保證責任。 behelf to release your Letter of Guarantee. 倘若於申請副單背書,擔保提貨之同時,正本單據已寄達 貴行時,請 貴行同意本申請人 In case, at the time of this application, the original documents have been received by you, this application form shall 以此申請書代替「承領單據」之收據領回下列單據。至於該進口單據緃有瑕疵,本申請人亦願意 serve as our receipt of import documents and our approval to release any guarantee held by you or your correspondent 接受不予追究,並授權 貴行轉知 貴行之通匯行解除保留或一切擔保責任。 for any discrepancies which may include therein. 茲同意倘國外押匯銀行以電詢方式要CTF. DFT. INV. B/L P/L W.M/L INS POL CTF 求押匯時,單據有瑕疵,貴行有權直ORIG 接授權國外押匯銀行付款,不須徵求 本申請人之同意。 背書/簽署日期, E/D L/G NO. 申請人, 簽章人, 核對人, (請蓋原結匯印鑑) 營利事業統一編號, 電話號碼,


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