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PAGE PAGE I 摘要 中国自改革开放以来,城市的空间扩大了三倍以上,这就使得越来越多的乡镇被城镇化,随之而来的乡镇行政管理的转型也将变得尤为重要。中国自古就是一个传统的农业大国,因此,乡镇的管理体系也是沿用了传统的管理方法,随着农村的城镇化,用管理农村的行政管理体制,已经很难适用新型城镇化的变革,乡镇行政管理体制的改革也成为当下最为重要的工作之一,怎样分析体制改革,如何谋求乡镇管理向城镇管理的转变的出路,对推动和深化新型乡镇城镇化具有重要的意义。本文从当前的乡镇管理体制出发,立足当下的新型城镇化的社会背景,分析了当前乡镇管理的特点,以及不足,对乡镇向城镇过度的行政管理体制给出建议。 关键词:新型城镇化;乡镇行政管理;体制改革;出路 Abstract Since Chinas reform and opening up, the urban space has expanded more than three times, which makes more and more towns become urbanization, and the subsequent transformation of township administration will become particularly important.China is a traditional agricultural power since ancient times, therefore, the township management system is also using the traditional management method, with the rural urbanization, with rural administrative management system, has been difficult to apply the new urbanization change, the township administrative system reform has become one of the most important work, how to analyze system reform, how to seek the transformation of township management to urban management way, to promote and deepen the new township urbanization is of great significance.Starting from the current township management system, based on the current social background of new urbanization, this paper analyzes the characteristics of the current township management and the shortcomings, and gives suggestions on the excessive administrative management system of towns to towns. Key words: new urbanization; township administration; system reform; way out 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 乡镇管理体制的背景 1 1.1 乡镇政府是我国政治体制改革的重要组成部分 1 1.2 健全乡镇行政体制,重视农村经济发展 1 1.3 解决、适应农村经济社会发展的需求 1 第2章乡镇行政管理体制内容分析 2 2.1 机构设置及管理情况 2 2.2 行政运行模式 2 第3章 乡镇行政管理体制存在的主要弊端 3 3.1 职能界定不够明晰 3 3.2 法定职权缺失 3 3.3 职能行使偏差 3 3.4 缺乏完善的考核评比制度。 4 第4章乡镇行政管理体制改革的具体措施 5 4.1 推动乡镇行政管理体制改革试点 5 4.1.1 赋予乡镇社会经济管理权限 5 4.1.2 建立简约的乡镇政府职能机构 5 4.1.3 创新管理服务运行机制 5 4.1.4 积极推进编制资源下沉,优化机构编制资源配置 5 4.1.5 探索创新管理体制机制,有效提升基层治理能力 5


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