transcripts agile devops testing m1连续测试简介.pdfVIP

transcripts agile devops testing m1连续测试简介.pdf

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IBM Agile Academy presents this DevOps Testing course. This is the first course module, introduction to continuous testing. To help us understand why this topic is important, we consider the fact that continuous testing actually means were testing earlier across the software development life cycle, and were ng this by enabling the ongoing testing and verification of code so that it validates the code produced to prove that it actually functions and performs as designed. This occurs by adopting and develo proficiencies around automated testing, test data management, service virtualization, continuous integration and mu ore. Because IBM development shops are like so many other enterprise development shops around the industry, we need to look through a DevOps lens to see how continuous testing creates something like a safet for teams to develop, test and release new features to the market faster without compromising quality. This safet , if you will, needs to be a trusted testing environment: a suite of tools and processes th cura y and quickly assesses the impact of code changes. With an automated test suite that assesses the stability and validity of software builds, the whole team contributes as business decision makers who can identify the trade-offs between risk and time of release, cost investments, functionality, scope and quality. Our approach to continuous testing should enable Agile teams to test faster, sooner, more often; and ultima y, continuously as a means of further boosting IT and business performance. This DevOps testing course is aimed at providing Agile teams with the DevOps practices and tool recommendations intended to empower teams to fully realize improved business performance through continuous testing and integration capabilities. So, lets imagine, if you will, that tests are executed automati


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