关于徐汇区天平路街道群租治理工作分析 .doc

关于徐汇区天平路街道群租治理工作分析 .doc

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目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 29376 摘 要 I 20904 Abstract II 25477 引言 1 28577 一、徐汇区天平路街道群租治理工作的原则 1 24037 (一)强化监管、严肃查处,做好公共服务工作 1 5181 (二)明确各部门职责,消除政策空白 2 763 (三)强化业主自治,提升业主公约与村民公约的约束力 3 480 二、关于徐汇区天平路街道群租治理的现状 3 25219 (一)相关法律出台 3 11416 (二)管理部门分责 4 16012 三、关于徐汇区天平路街道群租治理遇到的问题 5 23434 (一)界定困难 5 25009 (二)法律法规缺失 5 30403 (三)管理职责分散 6 17450 四、关于徐汇区天平路街道群租治理的思考 6 27796 (一)完善政策 6 24102 (二)制定法律 7 13036 (三)指定长效机制 7 14938 结论 8 19521 参考文献 10 12713 致 谢 11 PAGE II 摘 要 本文以群租作为一个研究分析对象,对群租现象可以产生的原因、造成的社会发展影响、社会的整体情况反映等进行不断深入的研究。同时通过国外治理措施发达的国家或地区以及我国部分城市对集团租金的治理发现: 1、集团租金现象不仅发生在徐汇区天平路街道,在世界各地城市发展的过程中,我们都遇到了集团租金现象。徐汇区天平路街道群租问题产生的主要原因是快速城市化进程中住房供求矛盾、住房价格居高不下以及住房保障制度不完善。群租现象给城市公共管理带来了前所未有的挑战。政府必须承担公共管理的职能和责任,采取“疏堵结合”的方法,并结合社会福利住房体制改革、治理集团租金现象。本文在理论分析的基础上也结合了实际,以期在为徐汇区天平路街道的群租现象提供行之有效的现实依据。 关键词:徐汇区;城市街道;群租治理 Abstract In this paper, group rent as a research and analysis object, can cause the phenomenon of group rent, the impact of social development, the overall situation of the society to continue to in-depth research. At the same time, through the governance of group rent in foreign countries or regions with developed governance measures and some cities in China, we find that: 1. Group rent phenomenon not only occurs in Beijing, but also in the process of urban development around the world, we have encountered group rent phenomenon. The main causes of group rent are the contradiction between housing supply and demand, the high housing price and the imperfect housing security system in the process of rapid urbanization. The phenomenon of group rent has brought unprecedented challenges to urban public management. The government must assume the functions and responsibilities of public management, adopt the method of dredging and blocking, and combine the reform of social welfare housing system with the governance of group rent. Key words: Xuhui District; City streets; Group of rent control PAGE 11 引言 目前,随着徐汇区天平路街道城市化进程的不断加快和流动人口的大量涌入,低收入群体的住房


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