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((完完整整版版))宾宾语语从从句句练练习习题题 宾语从句练习题 专项练习 ⼀、根据宾语从句的时态,⽤所给动词的正确形式 空. 1. We are sure that he _________ (go) to school tomorrow . 2. Do you know w ho ________ (be) thefirst man to walk on the moon 3. Could you tell me w here the ost office ______ (is) 4. Our father said that he ____________ (w ill) buy a new com uter. 5. I hear that he ____________ (sw im) in the sea yesterday. 6. The little boy tells us w here hisfather ____________ (work). 7. He said that he _________ (finish) his work already.8. They thought theycould ________ (hike) to the to of the mountain. 9.Hewasgladthatsomany eo le_________ (hel )him.10.Shedoesn“tknoww hethe r_____________ (go) or wait. ⼆、请将以下句⼦转换成宾语从句。 (考虑三⽅⾯:引导词、时态、语序) 1. He w ill come back in a week.→I think _________ he ______________ ______________ backin a week. 2. Who is he looking for?→Do you know _________ ______________ _________ looking for? 3. Why is the lane late?→Ididn’t know _________ the lane ______________ ______________ . 4. He has alread y come back.→He told me _________ he ______________ already come back. 5. How can I get to the Summer Palace?→Couldyoutellme________________________________ get to the Summer Palace? 6. Why didn’t he come yesterday?→Can you tell me _________ _________ ______________ comeyesterday? 7. What are they doing?→Tom didn’t tell me ______________ they ______________ doing. 8. When w ill we have an English test?→Theteacherdidn’ttellus_____________________________ have an English test. 9. Where w ill the meeting be?→I a sked him _________ the meeting ______________ be. 10.Whosewatchisthis?→Doesanybodyknow______________________________ ____________ ______________ ? 11.WasthewatchmadeinShanghai? →Idon“tknow____________thewatch____________ made in Shanghai.三、将下⾯的句⼦连接成为含有宾语从句的复合句. 1.TheseflowersarefromGuangdong.Hesaid.→Hesaid_______theseflowers______ ______from Guangdong. 2. Light travels faster thansound. My teacher told me.→My teacher told me __________ l


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