Unit 5 Learning About Language 课件-2023-2024学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册.pptx

Unit 5 Learning About Language 课件-2023-2024学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册.pptx

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UNIT 5 LAUNCHING YOUR CAREER;To practise key vocabulary in sentences To practise key vocabulary which can be used as different parts of speech To practise key vocabulary in a paragraph;Read the following passage about career plan and fill in the blanks with suitable words. ;Complete these sentences with words from the reading text. ;Then write down your own dream career and give reasons.;Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words you have learnt in this unit. Circle the part of speech. ;Find more words that can be used in both noun and verb forms from the reading text. ;Use the words in the box to complete the following excerpt from a student’s speech.;Read the passage again and answer the questions.;1. There was a huge debate about whether the reporter should be accused of spying on the star couple. accuse vt. to say that sb. has done sth. wrong or is guilty of sth. 控告; 控诉; 谴责;【语境应用】翻译下面句子。 1)?相应地,球员们指责老板们低劣的球队工作。 The players, in turn, _______ ____ ________ ____ poor teamwork. 2) 政客们谴责媒体夸大骚乱的可能性。 Politicians ______ ____ ______ ___ _______ ___ the possibility of a riot. 3) 虽然他说谎了,但我并不想因此而指责他。 Though / Although he told a lie, I didn’t want ___ ______ ____ ___ __. 4)?那位司机由于酒后驾驶被控告了。 The driver ____ ________ ___ ________ ______ ________. The driver ____ ________ ___ ________ ________.;2. So I have come to the conclusion that if you want a great career, you need to commit yourself to something meaningful. 【归纳】 come to/reach/draw a conclusion (conclusions) 得出结论 come to the conclusion that ... 所得结论是…… jump to a conclusion (conclusions) 冒然断定, 过早下结论 bring sth. to a conclusion 使……结束, 终结 in conclusion 最后, 总之;【语境应用】根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词)。 1) I _____ _____ ___ ____ ___________ _____ (已经得出结论) TV has a thoroughly bad effect on family life. 2) Scientists are still unable ___ _____ ___ __ __________ (得出结论) as to the probab



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专注于中小学各科教学多年,曾获青年岗位能手荣誉称号; 教育局评为县级优秀教师; 2013在全省高中思想政治优秀设计评选活动中荣获一等奖; 在全市高中优质课大赛中荣获一等奖; 第十一届全国中青年教师(基教)优质课评选中荣获二等奖; 2017年4月全省中小学教学设计中被评为一等奖2018年被评为市级教学能手


