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项目部大树移植施工方案 南川半溪河亲水工程及两岸景观工程 大树移植项目施工作业方案 大树移植是一项技术要求高、难度大、操作复杂的工作。半溪河两岸景观工程的大树移植是整个半溪河亲水工程及两岸景观工程的重要组成部分,搞好两岸大树移植对于推进整个工程建设,全面实现工程建设的整体目标具有十分重要的作用,因此为了保证半溪河两岸大树移植工作的科学性、合理性、克服大树移植工作的盲目性,保质保量完成移植任务,特编制半溪河两岸大树移植项目施工作业方案。 一、编制依据 1、南川半溪河景观工程设计 2、重庆市风景园林绿化工程施工技术操作规程 3、GJ1734-91 4、CB5018-93 二、项目区基本情况 1、项目区实施范围 本次大树移植区域,即作业范围主要是半溪河城区河段的两岸,即官堰桥至水泥桥河段两岸,全长1200米,作业区呈线形带状,施工作业面最宽处约20米左右,窄的地方仅有7米。 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) persons name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplie


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