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牛津书虫系列之三四级——三怪客泛舟记 简介 这本书不是一本不朽的游记:讲的既不是横渡大洋的危 险航行,又不是沿着亚马孙河的漂流探险,只不过是次小小 的旅行,乘着一只小小的船。但是不管怎么说也算是次经历 吧,是你、我,或者随便是谁都会遇到的……返航之后,我 们便会讲起有趣的故事…… 谁是这次旅行的主人公呢?有乔治,哈里斯和“杰”,(当然还有“元帅”,它是一只狗)。不论在什么地方,什么时候都能遇到这样的三个年轻人。他们掉进水里,把东西弄丢,吵架,又笑着和好,互相讲故事……他们个个有远大的抱负, 热情也很高,可就是到了早上谁也起不来。他们都想当伟大的探险家,可事实上,只要一下雨,他们还是愿意呆在暖和的火炉边,坐在舒适的椅子里。 那我们的主人公在河上的经历到底怎么样啊?他们学会在篝火上煎鸡蛋了吗?学会不用启罐器就把罐头打开了吗?这就是他们的故事,三个怪客和一只狗在河上泛舟的故 事。 杰罗姆·K·杰罗姆(1895—1927),写过许多著名小说和剧本。他非常喜欢划船,也喜欢泰晤士河。他这本最著名和 幽默的小说《三怪客泛舟记》讲的就是他和朋友们的亲身经 历。 Chapter 1 We decide to go on holiday There were four of us-George,and William Samuel Harris,and myself,and Montmorency.We were sit-ting in my room,and we were smoking and talking about how bad we were-ill,I mean,of course. We were all feeling in poor health,and we were getting quite worried about it.Harris said that he felt really bad sometimes,and he did not know what he was doing.And then George said that he felt bad,too,and that he did not know what he was do-ing either.With me it was my heart.I knew it was my heart because I had read something in a magazine about the symp-toms of a bad heart.I had all of them. It is a most extraordinary thing,but every time I read about an illness,I realize that I have it too-and that my symptoms are very bad!In fact,my health has always been a worry,I remember… One day I had a little health problem,and I went to the British Museum Library to read about it.I took the book off the library shelf,and I began to read.After some time,I turned over the page and I began to read about another illness.I dont remember the name of the illness,but I know it was something really terrible.I read about half a and then I knew that I had that disease too. I sat there for a time,cold with horror.Slowly,I beqan to turn over more pages.I came to a disease which was worse than the last one.I began to read about it and,as I expected,I had that disease too.Then I began to get really interested in myself,so went back to the beginning of the book.I started with the letteraand I read


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