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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 — PAGE \* Arabic 1 — 外贸总经理助理岗位职责(9篇) 无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都尝试过写作吧,借助写作也可以提高我们的语言组织能力。范文怎么写才能发挥它最大的作用呢?这里我整理了一些优秀的范文,希望对大家有所帮助,下面我们就来了解一下吧。 外贸总经理助理岗位职责篇一 大专或以上学历,国际贸易或商务英语专业毕业。 ②work experience: 1+ years experience of merchandising or international trading. 工作经验: 具有1年国际贸易相关工作经验。 ③knowledge skill: familiar with foreign trade process, capable of solving problems independently. 熟悉外贸出口流程,具独立思考与解决问题能力。 good in english listenning, speaking, reading and writing. good communication skills and capability in both chinese and english. 有良好的英语听说读写能力,具有良好的中、英文沟通能力和沟通技巧。 good skills on office software such as word/excel/ppt/etc. 熟悉word/execl/ppt等办公软件。 ④ logical, detailed, highly responsible and principled. have good language expression. good integrity and team spirit. a capable worker with initiative. 思维明了、细致,工作认真、责任心强、原则性强;有较强的语言表达能力和文字处理能力;良好的职业素养及团队合作精神。能够在压力下工作,有较强的进取心。 main responsibility主要职责: responsible of customer po follow up and other business support. 负责公司客户订单跟进及其他商务支持工作 ① fully understand customers system. complete the document such as quotation, technical document, etc based on customers requirement timely and correctly. 把握客人系统。按业务要求及时、高质量的完成报价、产品技术文件等客人所需资料。 ② fully understand comanys internal sytsem. input order information into system and place po to supplier per leaders requirement timely. 把握公司内部系统。按要求在指定时间内下单给供应商。 ③ complete daily document per leaders requirement, such as shipping mark, application form of testing/sample, shipping document etc. accuratly and timely. follow up payment untill paid/received in full. 依照与完成各式日往往规文件,如箱唛、测试及样品申请表、出货文件等。跟进相关付款及货款的回收。 ④ maintain good relationship with customer, supplier and internal functional departments and facilitate solving relative issues. 维护客户、供应商及内部职能部门的关系并协调处理相关事务。 ⑤ solve problems promptly and effectively, update wip timely and accurately. allocate time properly to the assignment and complete the assignment on time. 快速解


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