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诗歌-途经罗星塔 《途经古老的罗星塔》概况 《By the Old Pagoda Anchorage》(意译:《途经古老的罗星塔》)诗歌出自1926年英国女诗人Cicely Fox Smith出版的《Full Sail: More Sea Songs and Ballads》作品中。这首诗歌最早可能在女诗人1924年刊登在《Punch Magazine》上的《The Return of the Cutty Sark》(《“卡蒂萨克”号的回归》)文中找到。后来,由音乐人Charles Ipcar将这首诗歌创作改编成一支歌曲。 1882.2.1—1954.4.8),英国女诗人。Cicely Fox Smith 简介:( 她出身在英国一个中产阶级家庭,父亲是一名律师,祖父为一名神职人员。她一生创作了许多诗歌书籍,而尤以创作航海诗歌和小说闻名。 《By the Old Pagoda Anchorage》(《途经古老的罗星塔》)主要内容是以1872年“卡蒂萨克”号(Cutty Sark)和“塞姆皮雷”号(Thermopylae)两艘来中国装运茶叶的帆船,比赛哪艘船由中国上海出发先回到英国的故事为诗歌创作背景,间接反映当时途经罗星塔江边时桅杆林立的繁华情形。 附一:诗 歌 By The Old Pagoda Anchorage [1924] Cicely Fox Smith Edit By the old Pagoda Anchorage they lay full fifteen strong, 途经古老的罗星塔 他们放置(安放) And their spars were like a forest, and their names were like a song. 桅杆林立仿若森林,他们的名字如一首歌 Fiery Cross and Falcon there Lay with Spindrift, doomed and fair, And Sir Lancelot of a hundred famous fights with wind and wave, Belted Will and Halloween With Leander there were seen, And Ariel and Titania and Robin Hood the brave . . . Thyatira of the lovely name and proud Thermopylae, By the old Pagoda Anchorage when clippers sailed the sea — Racing home to London River — Carry on for London River — Crack her on for London River with her chests of China tea! By the old Pagoda Anchorage (its many a year ago!) A sight it was to see them with their decks like drifted snow, And their brasses winking bright, And the gleaming gold and white Of the carven kings and maidens on each slim and soaring bow, And the high and slender spars Humming shanties to the stars, And the hulls whose speed and staunchness are a dead mans secret now, — The ships so brave and beautiful that never more shall be, By the old Pagoda Anchorage when clippers sailed the sea — Racing home to London River — Crack her on for London River — Carry on for London River with her chests of China tea! 附二:歌词 Chorus: Racing home for London River! Crack her on for London River! Carry on for London River with her chests of China tea


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