牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit 3 The art of painting Grammar and usage 练习(含答案).docxVIP

牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit 3 The art of painting Grammar and usage 练习(含答案).docx

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Unit 3 The art of painting Grammar and usage & Integrated skills练习 【夯实基础】 知识点1形容词 .You like r vegetables more than cooked ones. So do I. .With a river w in the forest and a snow-capped mountain high up, the landscape was really impressive. 知识点2名词 .He sat in a chair, spreading some strawberry jam on his t. .This painting enables us to have a deep i into the life in Mexico. 知识点3动词 .Can you telephone me at your convenience to a a meeting? 【提升能力】 6. Like many other students, you may have various people,①(include) family members and friends, giving input on your college decision. While many of your trusted relatives and peers(同龄人)may have very ②(value) advice that can help you to make the decision, finally the choice is yours and yours alone. Only you can fully realize which aspects of a college will make you truly happy and (3)(satisfy), so keep that at the front of your mind. Moreover, fully consider each option. It can be easy ④(let) a particular school become a front-runner early on ⑤your decision-making process, and it may even become the winning choice-but be sure to carefully evaluate every school ⑥has accepted you, since you had particular reasons for applying to each school. Do keep ⑦open mind. Students can change majors, but remember that there*s no reliving a certain semester(学期),and there's no making up for lost time. Don*t go to a school ⑧(specific) for a high school relationship ⑨ to make someone else happy. A ⑩(student) college experience is his or her own, and the student must put his or her education first. 【核心素养】 In our increasingly fast-paced, technology-driven world, most adults do not get 8—10 hours of sleep every night. Things are even worse for those with young children. A recent study showed that 86% of parents in the UK complain of tiredness and about 26% get less than 5 hours of sleep every night. To give tired parents a little relaxation from their tight timetable, David Lloyd Clubs, a chain of gyms and fitness centers in Europe, has introduced



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