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Sentence Structure: SyntaxInflP(=S)VPNPNPDet N V Det N A boy will find the evidenceInfl1 Syntax 句法学A branch of linguistics that studies the rules that govern the formation of sentences.Syntax theories:Transformational syntaxTransformational Generative Grammar (TG)转换生成语法2 Transformational Generative Grammar (TG) Noam. Chomsky (1928 - )the most influential linguist in 20th century, some important works: (1957) Syntactic Structure;(1965) Aspects of the Theory of Syntax;(1981) Lectures on Government and Binding;(1986) Barriers(1993) A Minimalist Program for Linguistic Theory;(1995) The Minimalist Program; (1998) The Minimalist Inquiry……3 Criteria on good grammar Observational adequacy 观察充分性Descriptive adequacy 描述充分性Explanatory adequacy 解释充分性The ultimate goal for any theory is to explain. TG differs from traditional grammar in that it not only aims at language description, but also its explanation. Chomsky proposed that the grammars of all human languages share a common framework (Universal Grammar). 4 Categories 范畴A group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language, e.g., A Sentence: The boy kicked the ball.A Noun Phrase: strong man, tallest boyA Verb: kick, run, goSyntactic categories 句法范畴 can generally substitute for one another without loss of grammaticality. e.g., The ____ smiles. man boy girl5 Word-level categoriesTraditional grammar: 8 parts of speechNounVerbAdjectiveAdverbPronounPrepositionConjunctionInterjection “Oh, Ouch, eh, Hey, …”6 Major lexical categoriesNoun (N)Verb (V)Adjective (A)Preposition (P)Minor lexical categoriesDeterminer (Det) 限定词: the, a, this, thoseDegree (Deg) 程度词: quite, very, more, soQualifier (Qual) 修饰词: often, always, seldom, almostAuxiliary (Aux) 助词: must, should, can, mightConjunction (Con): and, but, orWord-level categori


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