人教英语八年级上册Unit8Section A (1a2c).pptxVIP

人教英语八年级上册Unit8Section A (1a2c).pptx

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Section A (1a-2c)Unit 8 1、How many steps(步骤)to put an elephant into a fridge(冰箱)?2、How do you put an elephant into a fridge(冰箱)?open the fridge.put the elephant into the fridge.close the door.Having fun!First首先,Then然后, Finally最后,Three. 学习目标1、学习询问和描述一种食物的制作 过程。 2、学习how many 和how much的用 法。 3、学会使用first、then、next、finally描述做一件事的过程。 Cook :Good morning, everyone! Welcome to my “Super kitchen”. Super KitchenDo you like a banana milk shake?Do you know how to make a banana milk shake? Today, let’s learn to make a milk shake together. 食物搅拌器1摇动及其过去式2接通,打开2奶昔2剥皮1倒出,倾倒2勺、蜂蜜1西瓜、酸奶2(如果你能说出单词或短语,就能得到相应分数,快快加油呦!)预习检测 Follow me!跟我学Watch a short video and answer the questions.1. How many steps(步骤)are there?Six. 1a. Write these words in the blanks. peelcut up putpourturn ondrink ___Turn on the blender. ___ Cut up the bananas. ___ Drink the milk shake. ___ Pour the milk into the blender. ___ Put the bananas and ice-cream into the blender.___ Peel three bananas.1234561b. Listen and put the instructions in order. peel the bananas.cut up the bananas.put the bananas and ice cream in the blender.Let’s make a banana milk shake together. How do you make a banana milk shake?First,Then,Next,cut up 切碎 put … in… 把…放进…里Pair work1c pour the milk into the blender. turn on the blender. drink the milk shake.Finally,Then,After that, turn on 打开反义词组turn off 关闭/‘fa?n?lI/最后pour…into… 把…倒入…中1C. Make a new conversation with your partner. Tell me what you see.Game 2a. Listen and complete the chart. How muchHow manyyogurtbananas honeywatermelonsapplesorangesWe’ve learned how to make a banana milk shake. Do you want to make something else? onewatermelon twothreeone cupTwo spoons2b. Listen again and fill in the form. applesyogurthoneybananas 小小发现家 谁能找出其中的奥秘?How many 和How much之间有什么联系? How many + ____名词____数How much + _____名词可数复不可数 2c. Pair work A: Let’s make fruit salad.B: OK, good idea. How much yogurt do we need?A: One cup.B: And how many apples do we need?A: Let me think…


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