026-政府应该花钱修铁路而不是修公路(2016年剑11真题1) .pdf

026-政府应该花钱修铁路而不是修公路(2016年剑11真题1) .pdf

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雅思⼤作⽂原创⽇更026-政府应该花钱修铁路⽽不是修公路 (2016年剑11真题1) ⼀、题⽬ Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? ⼆、解析 这是⼀道交通政策类观点型题⽬。铁路和公路都是道路交通设施。铁路主要解决远程、⼤客流量及⼤件货物交通问题;公路应对城市短途⽇常出 ⾏、点到点交通或个⼈远程⾼速路个性出⾏的需要。两种出⾏⽅式各有千秋,不可偏废任何⼀⽅。我部分同意题⽬的观点。本⽂打算采⽤平衡式双 边讨论最后得出结论的论证框架。 三、正⽂及点评 1、引⾔段 Transportation of a country is just like blood vessel in our body which is responsible for the smooth carriage and circulation of essential life nutrients and liquids all over our life system. Different transportation modes such as road, water, air or railway are similar to the network of various thick or thin blood vessels which have their own unique functions and equally crucial for our body to perform normally therefore all are needed by our society. From my point of view, governments should invest in both forms of transportation: road and railway. (本引⾔段我由两个⽐喻⼊⼿,由远⾄近、⾃然得体地引出了我的平衡式观点。在改述题 ⽬观点时我注意使⽤了各种同义转述的⽅法。) 2、主体#1段 Although railway lines especially high speed lines are very costly to build and only suitable for long distance journey, they are known as very effective in carrying large number of passengers and cargo at higher speed and lower expenditure. They are particularly preferential for regular medium range trip such as intercity route between Guangzhou and Shenzhen or Shanghai and Nanjing. Nowadays we have already daily operation of bullet trains between these mega cities which is very similar to the city shuttle bus service and they are deemed as greatly promote the economic and cultural exchange between cities and provide a huge amount of convenience and efficiency to city dwellers. (本段我⽤了三个长句⽤先抑后扬的⽅式讨论了铁路的优势。) 3、主体#2段 Compared with railway lines, motorways and overpasses contribute to the smooth running of multitude of automobiles such as small pickups, mighty trucks, private cars, public buses, SUVs or taxies and effectively meet people’s need to move


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