Unit 1 A new start Using language 语法课件-2023-2024学年高一上学期英语外研版(2019)必修第一册.pptxVIP

Unit 1 A new start Using language 语法课件-2023-2024学年高一上学期英语外研版(2019)必修第一册.pptx

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Using language;水平测试:;一个英语句子只能有一个谓语: 一个动词,一个动词短语!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;;1. 英语句子的灵魂是 。;背诵笔记:(明天默写!!!!!!!!);复习:;如何写出正确的句子?;;看图写话;1. 球掉了。 The ball dropped. 2. Tom把球弄掉了。 Tom dropped the ball. 3. 有一个mp3 在桌子上。 There was an mp3 on the desk. 4. Tom 砸坏了桌子上的mp3。 Tom broke the mp3 on the table. 4. 当Tom在转球的时候,一不小心,球掉了,砸坏了桌子上的mp3。 Tom was spinning the ball, when he accidentally dropped the ball and broke the mp3 on the table.;1. mp3屏幕坏了。 The screen was broken. 2. Tom 惊恐地看着屏幕坏掉的mp3。 Tom looked at the broken screen in panic. 3. 脑海里一遍遍描绘着同学的怒火。 he pictured his classmate’s anger over and over again in his mind. 4. Tom 惊恐地看着屏幕坏掉的mp3,脑海里一遍遍描绘着同学的怒火,心里直发慌。 With butterflies in his stomach, he pictured his classmate’s anger over and over again in his mind. ;Tom大脑一片空白(脑子转不动了)。在脑海里组织语言,想着如何给同学说? 撒谎:假装不知情,把坏掉的mp3扔了,默默远离该同学 主动承认:自己不小心弄坏了mp3,赔同学一个。 He tried to turn on his brain, but the engine just wouldn’t start. He was organizing his words in his head. Tom pretended not to know the MP3, threw away the broken mp3, and stayed away from the classmate. Tom said sorry and admitted it breavly. ‘I accidentally broke your mp3, and I promise I will buy you a new one in next week. ’;总结:;知识点清单:;想像动词: 时间表*2 来到高中,我们有一个又忙又紧张的时间表。 尴尬:v. adj*2 两个短语 渴望,迫切:adj. n. 渴望某件事情;渴望做某事 回复;回答v. =? 短语 呼吸v. n. 气喘吁吁,屏住呼吸 恐慌n. v. 依赖;依靠v. adj. n. 反义词, 短语 挑战v. 接受挑战 ;1. 在我脑海里: 2. 重要的一天: 3. 醒来: 4. 逐渐知道: 5. 探索、了解…: 6. 踏入学校: 7. 打开思维: 8. 留下好映像: 9. 昆虫收集: 10. 恐慌之中 11. 有同样的名字 12. 压力之下 13. 取决于… 14. 保持镇静 15. 充分利用 ;句子:;作业:(周天前!);补充:;名?? 动词 形容词 副词 介词 冠词 ......;;看图翻译 ;;课文第二段:;总结:;中文VS英文的区别:;Chinas status in the world has improved significantly in recent years. The black and white cat in the school ran away last night. A cute boy enjoys the cool under the big green tree of his family. Im going to stay at home and study hard during the holiday. My friends sister, who used to like singing,dancing and rap, is now a lawyer. I came in to have a look and I just remembered that the guard at the gate were Swiss soldiers in



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