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第2期 电 光 系 统 No.2 2023年06月 Electronic and Elect otical Systems Jun.2023 管道智能封堵器的节能和速度跟踪控制系统设计 侯辉辉 中国电子科技集团公司第二十七研究所,郑州450047 摘要:相比于传统管道封堵设备,智能封堵器在安全性和效率上显示出优势。目前智能 封堵器碍于速度精度控制差、能量利用率不高的现状,导致其无法完成远距离作业。基于 此,文章设计了一种节能和速度跟踪的智能封堵器控制系统。首先,在传统的封堵器结构上 增加了飞轮和蓄能器装置,以实现系统的能量转换与储能;其次,设计了一种基于模糊PID 的控制器用以提高系统的速度追踪能力。研究结果表明,文中提出的控制策略在闭环系统 上具有更高的能源效率和稳定性,即智能封堵器的电液控制系统既能满足节能的目的又能 达到速度跟踪目标。 关键词:管道智能封堵器;模糊PID;节能控制;速度跟踪 中图分类号:U172.7 文献标识码:A An Energy-saving and Velocity Tracking Control Design for the PIT HouHui-h (The 27th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Zhengzhou 450047, China Abstract: The Pipe Isolation Tool (PIT) demonstrates advantages in safety and efficiency compared with tradi- tional plugging devices. However, its utilization in plugging operations is limited by demand of operation dura- tion and precise velocity trajectory. In this paper, a PIT control system is designed for energy-saving and plug- ging parts velocity tracking of the PIT. To achieve energy recovery and velocity tracking control, a flywheel and an accumulator are used for energy transformation and storage. A fuzzy PID controller is proposed to improve the ability of the desired velocity trajectory. The proposed control strategy is more energy efficient and more internal stable dynamics on the closed-loop system. The results verify that both energy-saving and velocity tracking ob- jectives are satisfied for the PIT. Key words: Pipe Isolation Tool; Fuzzy PID; Energy Saving; Velocity Tracking Control 键的一环[3]。智能封堵技术旨在隔离管道内的压 1 引言 力流体的同时无需对管道进行减压或停输,可以



