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电力系统装备 电力系统 2023年第2期 Electric Power System Equipment Electric System 2023 No.2 基于双碳目标的光储充一体化电站状态评估技术 1 1 2 2 2 翁利国,练德强 ,徐 铌 ,沈 阳,王佳斌 (1.国网浙江杭州市萧山区供电有限公司,浙江杭州 311200 ; 2.浙江中新电力工程建设有限公司,浙江杭州 311202 ) [摘 要]全国碳市场拉开了我国能源结构加速转型的大幕,催生了光伏、储能和新能源汽车等一批绿色产业 的兴起,同时随着国家利好政策扶植和消费者的青睐,光伏、储能和新能源汽车市场均加快发展。但传统的充电 桩和光伏电站都是分开建设,且大多未同步配备储能系统,用电高峰时充电桩对电网冲击大、充电费用高,严重 影响了新能源车主的用车体验,降低了充电桩的运营收益。光储充一体化电站的大规模推广和建设是解决当前局 面的突破口。但光储充一体化建设,系统复杂度高,运维保养要求高,传统的定期巡检模式,难以应对大规模爆 发式建设的光储充一体化电站,而基于双碳目标的光储充一体化电站状态评估技术是解决光储充大规模建设运维 难题的关键。 [关键词]光储充一体化电站;状态评估 ;双碳目标 [中图分类号]TM910.6   [文献标志码]A   [文章编号]1001–523X (2023 )02–0077–03 State Assessment Technology of Integrated Optical Storage and Charging Power Station Based on Dual Carbon Target Weng Li-guo,Lian De-qiang,Xu Ni,Shen Yang,Wang Jia-bin Abstract [ ]The national carbon market has opened the curtain of the accelerated transformation of China ’s energy structure, which has led to the rise of a number of green industries such as photovoltaic, energy storage and new energy vehicles. At the same time, with the support of favorable national policies and the favor of consumers, the photovoltaic, energy storage and new energy vehicle markets have all developed rapidly. However, the traditional charging piles and photovoltaic power stations are constructed separately, and most of them are not equipped with energy storage systems synchronously. The charging piles have a great impact on the power grid during peak power consumption, and the charging costs are high, which has seriously affected the vehicle experience of new energy owners and reduced the operating income of th



