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一种负荷开关分闸脱扣机构优化设计 电工电气 (2023 No.1) 工艺与装备 一种负荷开关分闸脱扣机构优化设计 刘其峰 (施耐德电气(中国)有限公司,北京 100176) 摘 要 :负荷开关在分闸过程中,需要机构产生足够的分闸速度完成开关分闸,此部分能量由压缩 后的弹簧提供,在此过程中,由分闸脱扣挚子锁止分闸机构,避免弹簧能量过早释放。通过对分闸机构 运动过程的分析,得出影响分闸性能的三个主要功能尺寸,通过严谨的尺寸链分析,优化设计了一种分 闸脱扣机构,并通过运动仿真分析,对优化后的结构进行强度研究。优化后的机构既能确保机构的弹簧 储能过程可靠完成,又能保证脱扣过程中分闸脱扣挚子及时打开,并避免出现分闸脱扣挚子的回弹过快, 阻碍机构分闸。经机械寿命测试证明了方案的可靠性。 关键词 : 负荷开关;分闸速度;分闸脱扣挚子;尺寸链分析 中图分类号 :TM564.2 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1007-3175(2023)01-0055-04 An Optimized Design of Opening and Tripping Structure of a Load Switch LIU Qi-feng Schneider Electric Co., Ltd, Beijing 100176, China ( ) Abstract: The load switch requires enough speed to complete its opening and closing, and the parts of energy for its speed is provided by the compressed spring. To avoid the premature release of energy, an opening and tripping switch is used to lock the separating brake structure. The paper obtains three main functional dimensions which affect the analytical performance through analyzing the movement of the separating brake structure. A type of separating brake tripping structure is optimized by rigorous dimension chain analysis. Then, the strength analysis of the opti- mized structure is carried out by simulated study of its movement. The optimized structure not only ensures the reliable completion of the spring energy storage and timely opening of the opening and tripping switch during the process of tripping, but also avoids the overquick rebound of the opening and tripping switch to stop the structure opening. The reliability of this structure is proved by the mechanical life test. Key



