Gen V《V世代(2023)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Gen V《V世代(2023)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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欢迎来到戈多金大学 Welcome to Godolkin University. 前情提要 玛丽 大部分有着你那种经历的孩子 Marie, most kids around here with a history like yours... 都不会被收养 ...they dont get adopted. 但如果你是戈大毕业生 你可以把那一切全都抹去 But a God U graduate? You could wipe all that clean 重新开始 and start fresh. 所以不要搞砸了 So dont fuck it up? 我一直很想认识你 I have been dying to meet you. 这是你见过的最粗的鸡鸡吗 -相对来说是的 Is this the biggest dick youve ever seen? - Relatively. 乔丹 -搞什么 Jordan! - What the fuck?! 你是超人类 -或者我只是个很厉害的魔术师 Youre a Supe. - Or Im just a very good magician. 金童精神失常 Golden Boy suffered a full psychotic break. 他杀了布灵克 He killed Brink! 对不起 Im so sorry. 如果你在看这段视频 我想事情已经搞砸了 If youre watching this, I guess things got fucked. 我弟弟就在学校的下面 They have my brother, hes underneath the school. 他们称之为“树林” 那是一所可怕的医院 They call it The Woods, its like this fucked-up hospital. 山姆 睡吧 Sam. Go to sleep. 不准你再提这件事 Dont say another fucking word about this. 你来这里干什么 What are you doing here? 是你哥哥派我来的 让你离开这里 Your brother sent me to get you out of here. 搞什么 What the fuck?! 惨了 Fuck. 到底发生了什么事 What the hell happened? 也许山姆刺穿了他的耳道 I mean, maybe Sam penetrated the ear canal with, um... 用他的性器官? his member? 这就是你得出的真知灼见? Thats the sum total of your searing insight, 山姆爆操了鲍勃的耳洞 that Sam skull-fucked Bob here? 好吧 他叫格雷戈 我真的毫无头绪 Okay, this is Greg, and I dont know. 山姆比金童更强大 Sams stronger than Golden Boy ever was. 我不知道要怎样遏制他 I dont know how to contain someone like that. 这个痛苦的事实显而易见 Thats painfully obvious. 找到山姆 Find Sam. 我要整个保安队都去找他 -有一半的警卫都死了 I want the whole security team on this. -Well, half of them are dead. 那就派另一半的人去找 Then use the other half. 万一这事被沃特知道了 博士... Because if Vought finds out about this, Doctor... 我可以向你保证 下次被hearts;操hearts;耳洞的会是你和我 ...I can promise you and I get skull-fucked next. 我找到追踪器了 I found the tracker! 上面有血渍 Theres blood on it. 也许这是个好迹象 Maybe this is good. 说明她从里面逃了出来 She... she got out of the hellhole. 这里看起来像是被流星撞击过一样 It looks like a meteor crashed here. 或许山姆有梅芙的跳跃能力? Maybe Sam can jump like Maeve does? 他带着艾玛降落到了这里 又跳走了 He landed here with Emma and then



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