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我以违反神圣时间轴的罪名逮捕你 I hereby arrest you for crimes against the Sacred Timeline. 你认罪吗 How do you plead? (前情提要) 很久以前 全知的时间守护者出现 Long ago, the all-knowing Time-Keepers emerged, 创造与重整神圣时间轴 creating and organizing the Sacred Timeline. (洛基 L6792号hearts;变体) 有时你这种人会偏离路径 Sometimes, people like you veer off the path. 我们称之为变体 We call those Variants. 对了 我是莫比乌斯探员 Im Agent Mobius, by the way. 你在这里待多久了 -不晓得 How long have you been here? - I dont know. 很难说 时变局的时间算法不同 Its hard to say. Time passes differently here in the TVA. 我不能回去了 对吧 I cant go back, can I? 我拯救不了你 但或许能给你更好的东西 I cant offer you salvation, but maybe I can offer you something better. 有个在逃的变体杀害我们的瞬息特警 A fugitive Variants been killing our Minutemen. 我们在追捕的变体是你 The Variant were hunting is you. 相信他不太好 -我能应付他 Trusting this man is not a good idea. -I can handle him. 时间守护者没创造你 The Time-Keepers didnt create you. 他们从时间轴绑hearts;架hearts;你 They kidnapped you from the timeline! 你对时变局不忠 You were disloyal to the TVA. 你到过时间守护者房hearts;间 他们不是真的 You were in the Time-Keepers chambers. They werent real. 你认为那有差别吗 -差别可大了 Whyd you think that changes anything? - That changes everything! 拉曼提斯 虚空 Lamentis, The Void. 你们来到这里的每一步 Every step you took to get here, 都是我铺的路 I paved the road. 你们杀了我 摧毁这一切 那么魔鬼不止一个 You kill me and destroy all this, and you dont just have one devil, 而是有无限个 you have an infinite amount. 或你们回来接掌时变局 担任统治者 Or you take over and return to the TVA as its rulers. 要是他说的是实话呢 -他是骗子 洛基 What if hes telling the truth? -Hes a liar, Loki. 回头见 Ill see you soon. 有人要来了 Someone is coming. 一个危险人物的无数不同版本 Countless different versions of a very dangerous person. 他们即将开战 我们得做准备 And theyre all set on war. We need to prepare. 别紧张 你是哪个部门 Take it easy. What division are you from? 什么 你在说什么 -你是谁 叫什么名字 What? What are you talking about? -Who are you? Whats your name? 地面部队立刻到档案室 Boots on the ground now. Archives. 站住 变体 Hold it right there, Variant! 怎么回事 What is going on? 莫比乌斯 是我啊 Mobius, its me. 我不认识你 I dont know you. 冷静下来 放轻松 Calm your mind and relax. 我没事 Im



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