高中英语(人教必修三)课件 Unit 2 Healthy eating Unit 2 Section Four1.pptxVIP

高中英语(人教必修三)课件 Unit 2 Healthy eating Unit 2 Section Four1.pptx

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Unit 2 Healthy eating Using Languagecome and eat here Listening energy-giving foods? food body-building foods ?? protective foods Pre-listeningWhat makes a balanced diet? rickets:?scurvy: ?obesity: Pre-listeninglegs that do not grow straight佝偻病teeth fall out, problems with skin and sores that will not heal坏血病much too fat 过度肥胖 What these illnesses are? 1.Listen to the tape and then fill in the charts.Energy-giving foodsBody-building foodsProtective foodsRice, noodles, nuts, butterMeat, fish, tofuFruit and vegetables Scurvy ricketsObesity too much rice, noodles and sugarNot enough vitamin C Not enough protein and vitamin D 2 Listen again and join the names of the illnesses to their causes. 3. Listen to the whole dialogue between Wang Peng and an expert. Write down the main idea of the dialogue. Wang Peng is doing research to find out how an unbalanced diet can affect your health, so you need to eat a balanced diet if you are to stay healthy. Owner of restaurantProblems with foods offeredFoods to be offeredWang PengYong HuiToo much fatMore protective foodsNot enough fatMore body-building and energy-giving foods HOW AN UNBALANCED DIET CAN AFFECT YOUR HEALTH Wang Peng went to the library ,where he happened to meet an expert on diets . He asked him for help.WP=Wang peng E=Expert Listening text WP: Hello. Can you help me ,please? I want to find out more about balanced diets.E: Of course . A balanced diet needs energy food like rice and noodles, body-building food like fish and meat for protein and fat ,and protective food like fruit and vegetables for fibre and vitamins. WP: Yes. but does it matter how much rice, noodles and sugar l eat?E: Yes. If you eat too much , you may become obese. This means you are too fat and it may lead to other illnesses . However, if you don’t eat enough rice, noodles or sugar ,you’ll get tired easily. WP: l see. Ill


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